Problems submitting cards to PSA

So there has been 1 month since PSA recieved my cards but no order has been registered on my account.
I have heard of 4-5 days before, but should it really take this long?

A few weeks happens all the time now.


My most recent bulk submission was received on March 20 and logged in April 18th. It shouldn’t be much longer (hopefully)

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PSA is really backed up at the moment, so this wait seems normal, based on how it looks on the forums.

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Took mine slightly over a month to get registered

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Yeah Ive had 2 submissions now take over 5 weeks so yeah that’s totally normal.

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Did you ignore the warning when you sent the submission?

Even with reading this I wouldn’t guess it would take a whole month to receive the cards. This is a pretty generic statement.

Why bother guessing when we have a dedicated and active thread that tells people how long things have been taking?

It does not take long to have a read of the PSA thread and people can clearly see that a month is standard now…

Well then wouldn’t it be helpful to refer this person to that page instead of making them feel bad for not reading a statement that provides no useful information?

How the fuck does it not give helpful information? Are you blind?

There is a warning message. Below that message links the package tracker, where you put your tracking number in and it tells you if PSA has your package.

It’s not rocket science. Neither is a forum search. Why does everything have to be spoon fed to people?:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:?


I read that but didn’y think it would take a month, was thinking a few days or maybe a week or so

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It takes 5-10 business days normally. Have you ever submit to PSA before?

When you have a moment, read through the PSA Delays Heads Up thread. If I can, I’ll link it.

I have submitted once 1,5 years ago and the process was quite fast excluding the 30day turn around time.
I just got notified from PSA that they are processing my order now so it’s all good. Thanks for the heads up, will look for that thread.

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Yes, I’m a blind Pokemon card collector. I collect 1st edition base so my mom can read me the cards before I go to bed. She also spoon feeds me my meals :wink:

The person read the message and still didn’t know it would take that long. I just think delays can be interpreted differently by different people. You and I both know that delays have been over a month because we have submitted to PSA recently or read the PSA delays thread. This thread was made because the person read the warning message and still didn’t know.

I wasn’t asking you to spoon feed people, I was asking you to be polite. Which didn’t seem to work because now you’re trying to insult me.

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I’ll derail the “argument” and get back on topic discussion for future efour members who are submitting at this time and are experiencing a delay. The source of the PSA delay discussion is here: