Price check PSA 8 1st Edition Base Charizard

Hey all, what do we see as the future trend for this card? If you had this card what would you feel comfortable selling it for? I’ve looked through eBay solds but haven’t been keeping up with the prices lately. Thanks in advance!

Edit: someone has made an offer on my card and I’m not sure whether to accept or not!

$2800-3000, for some people it depends if its thick or thin stamp. For me personally if its in a new case I would pay closer to 3k.

2800-3200 seems right. I recently seen 2 copies go for 3100 and 3400.

Alright cheers for the help!

I’ve gotten a couple offers lately in the 3500.00 area but I’m not selling.


That seems high… maybe I’ve been on Instagram too much lately. Lol.

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Instagram would raffle it with 50 spots at $100


*slow clap*. A raffle joke about Instagram on efour? It can’t be.

Here’s one for sale. Took me 2 minutes to find.
Instagram is good for all sorts of things. Raffles aren’t one of them. My personal Opinion is that these are worth $2600-$2800. At least that’s what I could find one for, if I wanted to buy right now. Maybe it’s all based on availability. If you don’t have Instagram or social media and you just want to go buy one on eBay. By all means, it’s your money. Spent it however you want :blush:

@britishcolumbiazards, Typically when people ask for a price they are asking for market value, which is determined by a marketplace. Instagram isn’t a marketplace, but I am sure you can pick some stuff up for less because of that fact. Basically I can buy some fresh Nike’s on the corner stand in the city for less than Amazon prime. But If I want to know market value, I am going to check Amazon Prime.


That’s true. I’ve never thought of “market value” being determined by a “marketplace”. . Maybe that sounds silly, but I’ve always just thought of market value as a broader term. I think differentiating marketplace from aftermarket place is a healthy way to think about and approach the Pokemon market. Did I say market enough? Lol. Also, Yeah. Instagram does feel like a city corner stand sometimes lol.


To further this example: you see it all the time with shoes on the secondhand resell market; people throwing around numbers and Jim Bob’s sale to Bob Jim being quoted as “market value”. In reality, though, sales on StockX, GOAT, etc. (all reputable, thriving marketplaces for people to buy/sell/flip/etc. clothing/footwear) are akin to sales on eBay, auction houses, etc. for Pokémon.

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I have quite a few prices recorded from eBay and rarely does one sell for over $2700 so if you guys are making sales $3000 and above that’s amazing for you lol that $3500 offer blows my mind Gary must be a 9 in an 8 case lol. Last one sold two days ago for $2675 on ebay. But if I were to sell one I’d be looking for $2800-$3000

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One thing I’ve noticed about this hobby is most everyone without a card in question will claim it’s $X under the market value, and everyone with the card claims it’s $X over the market value.


There’s no debating if actual sales data is used to determine market value. Offers shouldn’t be considered.


I don’t think that is exclusive to this hobby

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That is also why there are price ranges. What Gary receives as an offer will naturally be higher than someone making a new eBay account.

Just normal 8s. You see, there’s a large market outside of eBay and IG.

Why anyone would pay a premium over eBay prices for the same product is beyond me, especially when you can pick and choose for a “strong” grade on eBay.

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Bad example considering it happens within eBay too lol.