
Just wondering what your guys opinion is on powersaves? I’ve often thought it would be nice to turn all of my Pokémon shiny but I feel it would not be the right thing to do at the same time. There is NO WAY I could legitimately catch a complete shiny living dex. I just don’t have the time. The few shinys I have are from the masuda method and even that takes several hours to obtain even 1 shiny Pokémon. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

I used powersaves so I could get my shinycharm in every game (meaning I have all of them stored in the bank and just move them to each game). I say this is up to you. If you want them shiny go for it. Just don’t change any of their stats. Otherwise, they might cause an issue going into poke bank.


Just do whatever makes the game more fun for you.

For me, the whole point of shiny hunting is literally the experience of encountering the shiny and seeing those sparkles shine. Such an adrenaline rush. I hardly ever use the shinies I capture, they are more like trophies to me.

But if you want shinies to use because you like the color of the pokemon better, I say just go for it. It can take weeks even months to find just 1 at 1/8,192 odds… by that time you could have already beaten the game haha. I don’t think anything less of people who powersave shinies in the game, it’s all about having fun, and at the end of the day - just a video game. Best of luck!

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At this point who even cares, shinies are pretty much useless and almost everyone that plays the game has hacked Pokemon. Pkhex also kinda makes powersaves irrelevant since it’s free and more efficient.

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Thanks for the input! I have lots of shinys now :wink:

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