Hey everyone, although this might get quickly ignored I have a fun idea. As we all know our rank starts at a “Pokeball” and goes up to a “Shinning Charizard”. Well I for one find that kind of odd. Because some people might want to be ranked a Venusaur or a Blastoise. Also it should go up to Mega but it does not. So my idea is, instead of being Zard ranked why dont we get a Badge every 100 posts? Boulder Badge, Cascade…etc. I would absolutely love a Badge as a rank, but thats just me. Let me know what you guys think!
I think the badge idea would be cool. I would like to see some sort of reward system in place. Like you said different badges for amounts of posts, contributions, length of membership etc…
Making different rank names for the same post milestones would be easy, but they’d have to be manually assigned to each person when they reached that post count. Only Admins can fiddle with ranks like that, so only @funmonkey54 and @smpratte could really do it actively.
Assigning forum badges for those same post counts, or forum contributions and related would be limited to within whatever the Proboards allow the Admins to do. If Proboards don’t already have a system in place to allow that then it’d be a lot of work for someone to manually do all of that work.
Tl:DR - First proposal is not hard but time consuming, second one is probably difficult and time consuming.
Getting a badge after so many posts would be really easy and ProBoards does have some kind of an award system, but I haven’t played with it yet. Maybe that’s something I’ll have to look at…
@bluey is 100% the woman in charge for that type of thing. We can change the names of existing post assignments easily. We’ve got it designated up to Shining because that is closer to the nostalgic era the majority of our audience taps into. Mega doesn’t hit home with quite as many.
But I love your badge idea. Actually, I’d made comment several months ago about potentially implementing a badge system that rewards other works, like accepted articles and YouTube videos and some other ideas. It sounds as if @bluey is going to look into something like that in the short run, but hold on to that! In the coming months/years, we’ve got a lot of awesome progressive plans slated for release and this is a compatible idea.
Bluey I think we would all appreciate this. I think we should make a poll for what each level gets
LV. X, Gold Star, ex, EX, Shining, 1st edition, Holo, Full Art and other bonuses based on cards.
Under the profile we put the name of our favorite pokemon.
It starts off pokeball, then it “hatches” then we have the normal star 2 3 4 where each person
puts the name of a pokemon. Mine would be Tyranitar so I’d have Larvitar, Pupitar and Tyranitar.
If the persons pokemon doesn’t have those evolutions they just do basic, Final, Final.
Then star 5 to 10 or 15 goes “pokemon” Holo, Prime, LV.X. ex. Mega, Primal, 1st edition
Shining, then Gold Star.
Making the first few stars easier to get to help newcomes feel rewarded for contributing. You
get to see your profile evolve.
The badge idea is what I am mainly aiming at. Hopefully we can agree on this. I would love to get my thunderbadge soon since im at 280 posts! (just an example)
What about badges for people like me :lol:
You’re about to obtain a Coal Badge! (If so)
I like the idea of badges, but I also wonder if it would make the rankings look cluttered. The stars are uniform, and thus it’s easy to recognize a person’s rank.
We can keep it 8 badges at a time.
I couldn’t care less.
Stop being a grouchy growlithe.
From my experience, incentives for “ranks” has never worked in a favor that benefits the community.
There will always be people that spam posts to “achieve” a rank for no real reason.
That being said, the maturity level of this forum is definitely a “grade” above most. Lol