PokeRadar Podcast ft. Legendary E4 Members

@PokemonRadar has recently started up a podcast series (again) and so far it has featured many people who helped made E4 what it is today. I’d also like to think that E4 has also helped make them who they are today. Many have moved on to do big things, you probably know most of the names. I’ve met everyone who has been interviewed so far and they are all great people. A lot of us met around the same time in Worlds 2018-2019. I think it showcases the kind of network you can build especially if you go to in-person events.

I’ve listened to about half of them. If you like the long-form type of content I recommend it.







Feel free to use this thread as a comment section for the whole series


I have listened to nearly all of them so far, just need to go back and finish one or two.

I love the series and all the different topics it touches on from collecting to content creation to family.

Really looking forward to future installments. Need to go back and listen to more of the old ones too! Great job @PokemonRadar

Thank you for sharing and watching @pfm ! Will have you on again soon. Efour is absolutely where I got my start, and built some of my great relationships. Always been a lurker and come back for answers to the ridiculously detailed niche questions I have about Pokémon history here.


@PokemonRadar my takeaway from the tumbnails is that if I want to be featured I must have facial hair, can you confirm?

In all seriousness, looking forward to listening to these when I can. I enjoyed your previous series and glad to see you back on the grind


I wonder what makes people “move on”. If there’s some place with more Pokemon information than e4 I’d love to know about it :eye:

don’t leave us Josh
:eye: :lips: :eye:


A lot of it is just time issues. Basically all the people that have been on so far are creating content + have built their own community + run a business + have a family.


When will frosted caribou be on the podcast


I see. I’m probably one of the only people here who has no idea what these people do :sweat_smile:

Pretty sure they all sell timeshares in different regions.


Can’t wait to featured! I let my agent know.


Sometimes I talk to myself too


Would be pretty cool, if not already, if they brought their best cards & showcase it on the podcast,

Love the podcast. It’s great hearing from everyone in this hobby. Keep them coming!

They just spend more time branding and trying to do pokemon full time. Most the people on this list still check E4. Our biggest demographic is lurkers. The posters are the tip of the iceberg.


Guilty on all counts and lacking on even lurking here lately but going to make a concious effort to try and get back as you said in the OP a lot of where I am in the hobby is due to the connections and growth I made through e4 (all the way back to UPCCC, but not pokegym days for me)


New to the pod.
Will listen to it while I work out at the gym rn.