Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Thread

Pokemon will host a Pokemon Direct tomorrow at 7AM PT/10AM ET which will run for 8 minutes.

As a reminder, the last Pokemon Direct announced Sun and Moon, but only ran for 2 minutes.


if it were a game announcement for say, the switch, wouldn’t it be longer than 8 minutes? And why wouldn’t they just wait the next week for e3? very strange

The Pokemon twitter account has been constantly posting old Red/Green footage for the last week or so. 10 bucks says it’s either a Gen 1 remake: Electric Boogaloo, or a third Gen 7 game that heavily incorporates Kanto.


Sun and Moon’s announcement just showed off the logos and only ran for 2 minutes. So who knows.

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watch it’s just gold and silver on the eshop haha

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I’m hype, got my switch a few months back. I’d be pumped if they released somthing for it.

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I am experience the ruffling of feathers because that is plausible.

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i wouldn’t even mind tbh,
just like i wouldn’t really mind a gen1 remake with a heavy batch of new content like Firered/leafgreen did with Seven islands.

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Would love a 3DS remake of gold/silver/crystal. It is truly one of the longest and funniest games although I wouldn’t mind some downloads for the Switch. I took it on my last trip and I really enjoyed its portability.


really don’t think it’s on the table after heart gold/soul silver (though those are both fantastic games)

iirc, Pokemon has never announced a new game at e3.

Has to be update for another gen 7 game + something else on top of it.

at the very least I hope they don’t spend more than 30 seconds on magikarp jump

I was told by a worker at Gamestop the other day that they are releasing a Pokemon game for the switch. He told me the name, but I can’t remember it.

Pokemon stars?

Can’t remember for sure. Sorry I have short term memory loss.

wouldn’t matter even if he remembered. some random gamestop employee’s word doesn’t mean anything really. no offense to you aetsen


Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch, Please be a game for Switch.


Plot twist: It’s Pokemon Battle Trozei 2


Rooting for Pokemon G/S/C on 3ds e-shop or a Switch game, preferably a GEN1 remake. I’d be buying a new system in either scenario without hesitation