Pokémon Name Pronunciations (Pet Peeve)

Anyone have a specific Pokémon name that people pronounce a certain way that you just can’t stand? It’s not even about whether or not they’re using the “correct pronunciation”, but rather it just sounds horrible.

Mine has got to be the way our lord and savior smpratte pronounces Latios and Latias. It brings me physical pain to hear it haha. I was recently rewatching some of his older videos and it reminded me that he pronounces them lay-tee-os and lay-tee-aas. Is it the “correct pronunciation”? I don’t know, it could be. That doesn’t make me hate it any less though haha.

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Half of all people say it wrong and to be honest, I’m not even sure which half I’m in.

After I saw this video, I decided that if I was able to tell which Pokémon people are talking about (and vice versa), we’re all pronouncing it good enough. :grin:

Heck, if Pokémon themselves can’t keep the pronunciation consistent, then how are we supposed to? :relieved:

Raichu … I swear a lot of people pronounce it’s ‘rai-a-chu’

I’ve heard people say “Kee-og-reh” for Kyogre and “Jeer-at-in-uh” for Giratina. Nothing tops those.

I definitely prefer saying “Ray-qwah-za,” and I feel like “Ar-see-us” over “Ar-kee-us” deserves a mention, but I don’t stress too much over pronunciation!

I call Rattata, Rattatata and I love it

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Sometimes just the way people pronounce Pokemon is enough…


I have difficulty to pronounce it D: Doesn’t make it easier my Finnish accent wants to push through when I do. It’s funny, I pronounce many Pokemon names differently depending on if I’m speaking English or Finnish

I don’t even try to pronounce Pokemon after Gen 4 anymore. My tongue just cannot handle the names anymore.

Well there’s an easy way to make that crap stop, just start handing out tissues.




I totally butcher this one. I always end up saying “Rye-ahs-kuh”. I’ll blame it on a healthy mix of mild dyslexia and good old fashioned stupidity.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Lt. Surge’s Raichu in the anime make that sound as well (perhaps without the ‘chu’)?


I try to go with what the show does. TCA kills me every time he says Lugia. I love his videos though.


I think Lt. Surge himself called it a “Rai-a-chu” a couple times in the episode because of the way he speaks. He also told Raichu to use “Tundabolt” haha


recently heard someone pronounce sceptile “skeptile”. that made my bones writhe

this isnt rly names but my absolute biggest pet peeve is when people call the johto trio “legendary dogs” when all of them are feline. Entei is based on a chinese mythological lion, suicune a snow leopard, and raikou is of course a tiger. its so commonly said but every single time i feel genuine contempt lol

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I didn’t know this! Thank you for additional proof for my argument that cats are better than dogs.

I am firmly planted in the “Ray-qway-za” camp.

Another one that’s always confused me is Regice. Registeel, Regirock, and Regigigas are all pronunced “regi-(blank)”, but Regice is spelled like it should be pronounced “rej-ice”.

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What follows is more of a meta pet peeve. A lot of people add an -s suffix to indicate more than one of a certain species of Pokémon. When you have a party containing 6 Rattata, it’s exactly that, 6 Rattata, not 6 Rattatas! If there are 11 Mankey sitting in a tree and 3 of them go off to steal an apple, 8 Mankey remain in said tree.


I’m in the Ray-qua-za camp.