‘Pokemon Go’ Augmented Reality Smartphone Game Announced

If I can catch a Rayquaza that’s hanging out at the top of a building my life will be made.


This is what I have been doing for every Nintendo system I’ve ever owned. My original intent was just to play Pokemon, but then I started branching out to Mario, Legend of Zelda titles and such. Pokemon is what gets me to buy a Nintendo system, every of the time.


I also jump on the bandwagon that a new pokemon game usually is when I buy a new system. This will probably hold true for the wii u as well.

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I could be very awesome, but only if it is exactly like this. I am just too scared they gonna ruin it.

I did not like the brutality of the fight against mewtwo, aside from that it looks fun

What brutality do you mean?

I think they were referring to the 5,000 person gang bang.


Cool concept art



That’s incredible.

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That will be 100 USD for a Masterball.

Nurse Joy: What’s that? You don’t have health insurance… Oh that’s too bad that’ll be 500USD to restore your Pokemon to health! Have a nice day!



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This makes no sense, charizard is my moms height.

Pokémon GO will hit the US on 20 November 2016.

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Just give us Pokemon Z and be done with it…no Super Mystery Dungeon, no (admittedly cool) spinoff smartphone games…I want more main series!!

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Whilst I agree that main series games are the ones that hold the most value to tye average player, I just can not wait for this game to come.

It’ll be interesting to see how they implement the in game purchases though…

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‘Pokemon GO’ To Feature Gyms, Other Details Revealed
By: Water Pokémon Master
