Pack Weights Database (post your info here)

I am working on a speadsheet with a couple other forum members for pack data and need your help! I am willing to share my findings once we receive a large enough sample size and keep it updated over time

Please let me know what sets you’ve opened and what weights had holos and what weights did not have holos. I have a spreadsheet I will share once our sample size is large enough. I have already added as much data as I can from the packs I have weighed and opened. Please only share if you HAVE ACTUALLY opened the weighed pack.

Thank you


Good luck with this, I’ve wondered as well

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@modestmudkip, 17.30 gram power keepers pack opened, pulled a lightning energy reverse and a regular rare


Just to beef up this thread a bit, I’ll add the packs I’ve opened with the specific holos (in case that becomes relevant at some point):

TMTA pack: 17.47, pulled a Team Aqua’s Manectric holo (TM’s Baltoy #61 reverse)

FRLG pack: 17.54, pulled a Nidoqueen holo (Charmeleon reverse)

FRLG pack: 17.5, pulled a Marowak holo (Nidorina reverse)

If people open some more packs for science, I’ll open some more also :blush:.

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I have aquapolis box data and some tmta data,
later I will be opening deoxys and TRR with a friend so Ill add those

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Ok cool, I saw the email – looks good! Make the document non-editable and post the public link here so there’s a running tally. Also – you can add the heavy 1st Edition Fossil pack I got from you to the list (it had a holo and was whatever you weighed it at, I forgot the exact weight).

Ok, here’s the correct sheet. We will log WotC pack weights, too! Post results on this thread whenever you open a pack.


@zorloth, requested permission so I can add some stuff

Perfect, just click on the little down arrow in each column and sort A to Z to show the packs in descending order of weights, pack weights with no color coded to them yet have yet to be opened but will be opened shortly

Oh man, pull a Treecko gold star and sell it to me. pls

Also @kingboo64, I granted permission. In the future, people can just post results here and @modestmudkip or I will update the sheet!


Thanks, added my power keepers


This is an amazing thread


It will be more amazing with the assistance of other E4 members. Don’t let your data go to waste – if you open a pack (light or heavy), post it here!


@hisoka107 do you have any of your past data available?

Sadly I only have one of each pack and replacement cost is too high :pleading_face:

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even if you can help us find data via ig live openings old youtube videos etc whatever you can find. The hunt is on. Get the data before its lost to time


Ok, well if you end up losing all of your willpower and opening your packs, make sure to weigh them first and tell us :blush: haha

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And if you report data from IG/YouTube videos, please make sure to include the link to the video. I’m gathering some data from those and we don’t want the same data twice.

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