Nintendo Switch Hype

Who else is hyped for the nintendo switch? 8 days and 12 minutes until release here in Australia :blush:

Have any of you pre ordered it and what is the demand and reception for the switch in your country and/or amongst your friends.

Iā€™ve pre ordered it and am getting zelda and bomberman to begin with.

Iā€™m really pumped at the possibility of pokemon being on the switch, I feel itā€™s going to further strengthen the brand due to TV play increasing demand.


I preordered it :blush:! Last night I saw an actual commercial for it on TVā€¦ Never saw one for the Wii U so that means at least Nintendo is doing a better job marketing their system this time.


Get Hype!

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Pre-ordered it! Canā€™t wait for Zelda and Mario Odyssey (although itā€™s not coming out for awhile)! Pre-orders for where I am sold out after the first day at my local GameStopā€¦


Pre-ordered as well! Plus Zelda and Just Dance. :grin: Although itā€™s not so popular with the people around me.

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Been burned too many times with pre-orders, so Iā€™m gonna wait this time around until its been out a while. In the mean time Iā€™ll cry cos I wanna play the new Zelda so bad :sob:


I really hope Zelda is as good as it looks in the trailers. Everything I have viewed on the game looks phenomenal.


I had a look at the Switch in action at the RTX convention here in Australia a couple of weeks ago. From what I saw, I wonā€™t be getting it. The design of it looks good, but its just not my type of console.


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I think that just the addition of the open world concept is going to take things to the next level.

I love nintendo, but does anyone else get irritated by the slew of gimmicks that their consoles always present? Portable play anywhere console? That just seems unnecessary.

Couldnā€™t disagree more. Portable consoles have always been my favorite consoles.

Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t like handheld consoles, I am just saying this console seems to be targeted somewhere in between a handheld console and a standalone console. It just seems gimmicky.

And Iā€™m saying I disagree. I donā€™t have the same definition of gimmick. A gimmick to me is something that is arbitrary. Even motion or touch controls arenā€™t a gimmick when a good game is built around them. (World ends with you, wario ware touched, duel screens in 999)When they exist like in twilight princess just for the sake of being there, that to me is a gimmick. Being able to connect your handheld to a large screen to me is the same connecting a laptop to your tv

Blurring the lines between a console and a handheld doesnā€™t add anything to the experience. Even by your last statement, if itā€™s the same as just connecting your handheld to a laptop or tv than this concept is somewhat redundant, and a gimmick.

hdmi output is not a gimmick. period.

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I think the Nintendo Switch is truly of what the Wii U attempted to be and I canā€™t wait for it. As gamer, I own all three consoles and the Wii U is a very underrated console. I think at the time of its release, the lack of distinction between the Wii and Wii U, and the cost of the handheld controller all got on the way of the Wii Uā€™s actual vision. Imagine how ā€œterribleā€ like people say it was, that to this date, there is no more beautifully stunning Mario game than Super Mario 3D World. Even as Nintendo experienced all the financial problems and back stabbing from third party developers, Nintendo never lowered the quality of their titles. Mario Kart 8, Super Smash, Pokken Tournament, Donkey Kongā€¦ all of these games look stunning and Nintendo made them knowing damn well they werenā€™t going to sell like their previous ones did on the original Wii, that to me deserves respect. Again, I own a PS4 Pro an Xbox One S and Wii U. Nintendo consoles are a separate experience :blush:


the big problem with the wii u was indeed the lack of third party support. it wasnā€™t backstabbing though, nintendo themselves made it very difficult for third party developers to actually develop for the wii u. along with nintendo being challenged in the realm of pr and advertising it is their own fault the console failed. the best game I played on the wii u was xenoblade chronicles x, though the original is one of my all time favorite games giving it a boost.

we are seeing quite a lot of third party support already for the switch, and my guess is with the handheld video game market being the biggest one in japan, a lot of the best handheld developers will jump at the switch

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Iā€™m very excited about it. I remember how 3 years ago even Amazon was refusing to carry their systems. They were only carrying the games. I feel like now they have a good chance to start right :wink:

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Got my switch yesterday. Loving it so so much. Such a clean and swift device and zelda is out of this world so far.


The new Zelda game looks phenomenal. Every review describes it as a masterpiece.