NEW Pokemon Card Illustration Contest

I wish they did both tbh, some version for the winner and a mass distributed promo print. Maybe with a printed stamp on one version, or an XXL version for the winner.


“- Open to both Japan and the United States from October 13 2021 to January 31 2022”

I was so ready to fire up paint but heck everyone else except Japan and US :angry:

But in all sesiousness this is awesome, can’t wait to see what people come up with.

Thanks for the tag. This is awesome! Can’t wait to see the entries.

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@azulryu Thank you for tagging me - had no idea this is taking place :blush::pray:t3:
I’m outside the US, but wonder what’s the difference haha, it’s all online anyway :wink:
Will try my luck (:


That’s cool that second place gets their illustration in a card. So from my understanding, you can draw any PokĂ©mon? I didn’t see anywhere where is specified that.

you must choose from these pokemon. Check previous posts in this thread too

I wonder what a day in the life of a Scizor looks like?


Can’t believe I missed that, thank you. :sweat_smile: Can’t wait for everyone and their step dog to do ZaRd. I might try and draw some anime style stuff with Galarian Rapidash xD

I have a neat idea, but I don’t know how to make art. Guess I have a while to figure it out, though.

All unique releases are worth celebrating! Hopefully, this one doesn’t get made into a jumbo.

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What do you mean? Jumbo only or regular and jumbo? I can see why just jumbo would be bad, but what makes regular size and jumbo bad?

Only jumbo

Wish I had artistic skill. What my drawing would look like:


Pretty spot on for a leprechaun and doubles as a convincing galarian Mr Rime, just add a mustache.

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!!! thank you @azulryu , and @fourthstartcg , I’ve been in literal academic hell so I might not have seen this

Komiya is a judge???


Now its bathtub slowpoke’s time to become a card :blush:


Thanks for the tag. This is great. I completely agree @smpratte, the bathtub slowpoke was born for this!

They did for the Gardevoir promo actually. The winner received a huge version of her card:



Not sure if the same applies to the Charizard winner. He only mentions he won the contest pretty briefly on his Twitter, but no pictures of the actual card.



I look forward to seeing what the winners come up with and may God have mercy on their inboxes.

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If it’s anything like the last two years, most likely the cards will be massed produced and their inboxes will be spared.