New Look for UPCCC?

Thanks for the new lock screen!



If Bluey likes the idea, I can try and take a better scan later today this one is just zoomed in from a photo I took a while back…
Also I really liked the Unikarp banner. It wouldn’t be too much effort to reinstall it or?


I hope you guys do something similar to the charizard, jumping out of the card. I love that idea.

This has to be done for Crystal Lugia, that would be awesome.

I don’t think too many people are against Shining Gyarados, or something Celebi/Mew related like @pokemontrader suggested. :blush:


can you include purple somewhere ;p

Can someone send me a new scan of the UniKarp? ^-^;


I don’t know whether or not you have a UniKarp, but you seem like folks that might??

Okay @bluey I emailed you scans of:

No.3 Pika
Masaki Alakazam
Coro Shining Mew

I concede my scans are not nearly as nice of those of @viperfox but it sounds as though their scans are not completely available at this moment. But by all means use whichever scans work best!!!

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Thanks Jason!

Also, what colors should the links be? Blue or red?

Blue! :heart_eyes:

I’m a blue person. I don’t like red…

I like it!
Will the top buttons be getting an extreme makeover too?

Haha, well I’m out-numbered.
I still prefer the unread links to be red. I don’t mind blue for read links.

I am with you Charlie actually, so you’re not alone

But definitely I have no strong opinion on the matter, just a very light opinion hahaha.

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That Lugia/Entei is to die for!!!

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Poor Sammy has her plate full now! -chuckles-

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Haha, I do have a great amount of suggestions to choose from! I do think that I am only going to add about 5 new banners. If there’s too many, most will never been seen. It’ll be hard to narrow it down!

How’s this project advancing @bluey ? Can we get new cool looking banners soon. :grin:

Just speaking on her behalf: she’s doing a LOT of work that you won’t see the results of for as much as a year or more. UPCCC has some huge projects in mind and is really looking at potential directions for the long term. So if the banners take an extra few moments, make sure to be extra forgiving! :blush:

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Well, “potential directions”… I have no clue what you are planning but just speaking for most collectors: we don’t want anything like the gym but I guess Jason and Scott and you probably as well agree with that anyways. So I’m really curious what will happen in the future :blush:

I’d hope you’d have more faith in us than to think we’d make this Gym 2.0. Not sure what I’ve done to give that impression.

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