Some Neo Rev holos have a very subtle holo effect while others have holo more akin to other wotc printings. The cards with the more subtle holo seem to only shine on certain layers of the artwork. My opinion about them is that they were not printed correctly the first time and that the “double holo” is actually the corrected version.
The evidence:
1)international printings have the “double holo” effect
2) the holo on the “double holos” appears more like the previous wotc releases
3) 1st ed prints do not have the “double holo” (in my experience)
I’ll add to this if I think of more differences. For now, I want to hear your opinions about how we got two so drastically different looking Neo Rev prints. Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with!
I disagree with these two points. Take the Ho-Oh and Misdreavus. Both have holo overlapping parts of the body of the Pokemon. I can’t think of any other WOTC card where, for instance, the eyes are holo and the body of the Pokemon isn’t.
I’ve also seen both holo variants for many of the 1st ed cards
Do you have a theory about why there is such a drastic difference between prints?
For instance lighter printing or improper layering?
I only have the Crobat for comparison atm…
I’ve noticed a compelling piece of information when I clicked on a Japanese houndoom thinking it was the English variant on Ebay.
On the Japanese cards, Houndoom has the holographic clouds. Misdreavus, Ho-oh and Crobat have translucent eyes that let some of the holo through. Ho-oh also has part of the holo leaking into the wings. Crobat has part of the moon covered with holographic clouds. Ampharos and Jumpluff have no noticeable holo difference’s between English and Japanese.
Do you have a Unlimited comparison as well? I’ve seen a whole 1st Edition Set with the double holo error yet have not seen an unlimited copy. So I’m actually in the reverse position of the OP…
So to clarify, the big magikarp on both versions are 100% opaque and not holographic? In the extra holo version, the background is equally holographic? The other version has some regions of the background (magikarp fins) more holographic than the rest of the background? Is that correct?
Pretty much…
However, on the regular cards the holo does cover all regions of the background. You have to angle it to see it. At the angle I’ve taken the photos it shows up more on the fins for what ever reason…
Since both versions exist in both unlimited and 1st edition, it doesn’t make much sense to think one of the two is a “corrected” version imo. Why fix it in 1st edition, to then have the same mistake again in unlimited and then fix it again?
I personally think it’s a simple printing error, similar to holo bleed errors.
Though as much as we may theorize, without confirmation or proof, it’s just guesswork XD
It’s possible first print run was split and a portion got the 1st edition stamp and another portion didn’t. Then after they made the correction, they did another batch of 1st edition and unlimited.
I mean it kinda defeats the idea of “1st edition” but there’s nothing stopping WOTC from doing this…