Musical Alarm Clock

And Now for Something Completely Different

Hey Guys,
I’ve been looking for a while but couldn’t really find anything. So I figured why not just ask the hive mind. I’ve been using my old ipod touch from 2013 as my alarm clock to get woken up by songs of my choosing since I don’t want to use my phone for that. Now that my iPod is getting weaker and weaker I’m looking for something new but for some reason it’s really hard to find an alarm clock where you can load your songs onto or just put a USB stick into to play your songs.
Does anyone of you own something like this or knows of something like this?

Almost every smart phone will do this, is that an option you want to consider? Or are you looking strictly for a separate device?


My 5 year old is my alarm clock. You should get one of those:)


Exactly. I want to use a seperate device.

@garyis2000, I think thats a bit to early for me. Maybe in a few years I’ll get myself a 5 year old :laughing:

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That has bluetooth built in yea?
What about a bluetooth speaker?U can still use your trusty ipod and it will double and triple for other applicationsbtw, i have that one and i charge the built in battery after months of use!

I usually keep my phone off at night. So that’s why I need a won device that can play music :grin:
The thing with the iPod is that the charge won’t last for a night anymore and the charger is a bit messed up so if it doesn’t charge the entire night through there is no alarm in the morning

ahh, when you said weaker I thought it was the speaker sound.

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Is the reason for keeping it off to stop people getting in touch/noise? You could always turn it to flight mode and still use the alarm.

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Why do you want to use a separate device? Are you not allowed to have your cellphone at night?

Haha, I, just prefer to save the battery. It’s not good for the battery to keep it running for that long and charging it often. Because I use my phone for several years.

It’s crazy that such a thing is hard to find :grin:

On the newer iPhones the battery actually stops charging once it has finished, it doesn’t perpetually charge like it used to. Plus flight mode doesn’t really use much power :blush:.

Sorry I’ll stop now if it’s just a device that you want :blush:

OT, here’s a good one, it has the radio on it too!


Thank you but I’ll stay with Android =)

I think is only plays the Radio. And has a very interessting design. But I really appreciate the effort :grin:

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