Mkpokecc's Collection!

New additions! ;D

Trainer Magazine Vol.6 (Sealed)

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To the best of my knowledge there this magazine does not contain a promo, but rather something else I am thrilled about. Inside is an insert with information regarding the SSB/TMB tournaments as seen at the bottom of this website: (It was printed in purple ink) As many of you know I am a sucker for anything SSB related :wink:

64 Snorlax/Porygon Folder with mini CD

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Pokemon Best CD with 10 promos

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I have always wanted to get my hands on this…and it has the Arcanine and Computer error promos which are only distinguishable from their Toyota and coro coro releases if they are still sealed.

Computer Error/Meowth CoroCoro (Sealed)

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Japanese JR Rally Meowth

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Kind of funny how the Japanese were better at printing English cards than WOTC. The feel and quality is slightly different when compared to an English card.