Mandarake Battle Road Auction

I was looking at previously listed auctions on mandarake and came across this…

From the looks of it no one bid on it but is there any way to tell if it’s been sold elsewhere or where it could be located?

Sorry but the card was well sold (for a stupid high price) in July :wink:

There have been bids on the card, usually you can see the final bid price. Not sure why mandarake does not show it here. Considering the price was ridiculously high and the Illustrator from the same big web auction was not paid for it is very likely the highest bidder(s) did not pay for the battle road trophy either. We will most likely see the card relisted in the next 12 months.

No worries! I’m looking for the Spring variants anyway. Do you know what the stupid high price was that it was sold for?

That might be interesting if it is relisted, yeah…

I believe it was more than 1 000 000 yens…

2.8 million yen


This is the first time I see it in its original case, are these cases smaller than the more common cases? I feel like the Pika Trophy and the Victory Ring cases are bigger than this one.

Yes, these cases are smaller than the Pikachu trophy cases and the newer trophy cases.

Was there a reason that they were made smaller? I feel the smaller cases put more emphasis on the card itself instead of the display which is kind of nice.