Looking for picture of uncut sheet with yellow blank filler

I saw a picture of an uncut sheet with a yellow blank filler card. I just acquired a yellow blank but can’t seem to the find picture. I wanted to compare the two.

Anyone here save pics of uncut sheets? I tried google and past ebay listings but I can’t seem to find it.

I know The Charizard Authority had a lot of uncut sheets. If anyone has them I’d assume it would be him.

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I used to have a couple Neo Discovery Un-Cut Sheets with that Yellow Filler / Blank Card. Rusty has those sheets now - he should definitely be able to help you out!

Unfortunately, I have shitty Internet right now, so can’t upload any pictures :slightly_frowning_face:

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thanks for the replies guys! found this nifty website pokemuseum.weebly.com/uncut-sheets.html

it has the sheet I was looking for.

edit: now if I can just find an uncut sheet with the grey-scale pokeball filler that would be something else

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I checked out that link, and man what a spectacular site! It is super gnarly to see all those radical uncut sheets. I saw the term PCD several times, what does that stand for? Any idea?

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