Komiya binder complete

Thank you for sharing this,I love Komiya.

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Congratulations! Artist binders are cool. Question: How did you find out every card Komiya has done? Was there a resource you used, or did you just look through every PokƩmon set ever? Cheers

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Glorious! Iā€™m slowly working on finishing mine too, nearly there, just donā€™t want to pay through the nose for individual commons/uncommons!

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@tromboneguy360, Thereā€™s a spreadsheet on the forum here: www.elitefourum.com/t/artist-collectors-of-e4-general-thread/32281/1


The art on these are solidā€¦ Incredible collection.


I think the bulbapedia page for komiya should be pretty up to date too, iā€™ve been using that! And also, congrats for awesome accomplishment! As many others who replied iā€™m also in process of my own komiya binder (also might be doing a world record of slowness with it), limiting it to regular sized cards tho since that damn new year present really has gotten pricy :confused: it has been nice to see how many people seem to love his obscure style, it really got me off guard to see when i joined here!

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Iā€™m curious what the hardest cards to acquire were. Aside from the pricey jumbo card

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Apart from the jumbo some of the hardest to find were in the 2003-2008 era and I there was an Aipom and Pachirisu which you can only get in a theme deck box, these were hard to find as singles.


This is fantastic. I really enjoy all of the Komiya love in this forum. I wasnā€™t really a big fan of Komiya when I jumped back into collecting since I enjoyed more artwork that was consistent with the Pokemonā€™s official design. After going through Komiyaā€™s art history in the TCG I donā€™t understand how somebody couldnā€™t fall in love with it. This is a binder I too would like to own one day, but for now Iā€™ll live vicariously through you and this thread :stuck_out_tongue: .

Are there any other artist binders that you plan on starting?


I am 99% complete on a few other artist binders including Yuka Morii so Iā€™ll be posting some more soon :blush:


Thank you! Iā€™m seriously considering finishing a binder myself and I usually go with the most expensive first (likely the jumbo card. Masaki promo. Etc) as will as always having my eyes peeled for the cards that donā€™t pop up as often!

Could you comment on what the top 5 most costly cards would be? From what I see the jumbo, slow poke promo, scream psyduck, masaki look to all be the upper teir of cost for komiya art

Cheers :beers:. Corn

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Most expensive for me was:
Fan club jumbo
scream promo
masaki machamp
psyduck xy promo
charmeleon e series

I was also surprised how pricey some of the VS cards were considering they arenā€™t holos, so Iā€™d get those ticked off first :wink:


Cheers matešŸ» great work

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What an awesome collection!!! I also collect all things Komiya :grin:


@machoponion, how long did the full collection take you?, were you buying mostly singles or large collections and picking them out?

Also what draws you to komiya art so much? ā€¦ for me its that its so different from most pokemon artists and it still has a whimsical feeling to it.

Congrats again . (also I have looked at a few e-series charmeleons on ebay for ~25 each, wasnt to hard to find for me so Iā€™m wondering ā€¦ were they more expensive at one time or do they not pop up for sale very often?)

Probably 3-4 years :joy: A few collections but mostly singles on Yahoo/rakuten etc

I love the colours/mood and how he puts cool little details in the background. Whimsical is the right word for sure!

Yeh the charmeleon isnā€™t too hard to find, I think I paid around 25 too

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