is this arcanine real?

so i just got a new box of random pokes. sadly enough there where a lot of french(?) cards. (also some fake, sad).
but one of these french cards caught my attention, this arcanine promo.
as far as i know it only came in English en Japanese. or is it a fake?

also take a look at this very legit kabuto parasect :wink:

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Arcanine came in languages other than English and Japanese. Yours looks like a real French one.

That Arcanine does come in French. Like most French cards, they were scooped up very quickly by those hardcore collectors over there.

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alright guys, thanks!

I have that Arcanine in Spanish, so yeah it exists in other languages. I loved the Kabusect haha

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I think you’ve accidentally discovered the missing link in the Genesect = modified Kabutops theory.

I am a french guy :blush:

Your card is real but not very expensive, you can find it easily mint in France for 10€ …