Is this an error Charizard or called something else?

Hi all,

Im new here and to the hobby and require some experienced input on a base set Charizard I recently got.

Ive noticed that the character box has some mis-alignment/missing print. Would this be classed as an “error card” or something else like just “mis-aligned”?

Ive managed to find one other example of it on ebay but cannot find anything about it anywhere online.

The card it self is in very very good condition with a few very faint scratches and one or two deeper scratches on the holo.

Im also hoping to send it in to either PSA or possibly BGS because it is in such good condition next month for grading and obviously am hoping for a higher grade but wonder if because of this “mis-alignment/error” it would knock the card down a grade?

Has anyone seen this before as an acknowledged error?




@tcdb, what PapaFrankGod said sums it up pretty well. No it’s not an error, no it won’t increase the value, and no it won’t affect the grade

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It is an artifact of the printing process. In my experience, It’s actually common on Charizord. It would not affect the grade.


It would have to be further misaligned to be considered an error but will not be docked for grade. The very slight misalignments are common. Here’s one I just came across that’s slightly more misaligned but still no where close to shifted enough to be an error. FWIW a Charizard that was fully misaligned would be a huge premium $$$ rather than something to worry about grading wise.


Thank you for the input and reply everyone. Im still learning about error cards and mis-alignment so this was very helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

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Here is example of fully misaligned Base card :blush:


Thats is one hell of a misalignment

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Oh god that card is cursed