Is a partial refund ever worth accepting?

So I ordered an item recently, it was a VHS Intro Pack. I ordered a sealed one as I wanted it for my current sealed collection of Original Era Sealed Product. It arrived today and everything was good until I notice on one of the ends the seal was broken. I decided to ask for a return as it wasn’t what was advertised and listed. It was listed as Factory Sealed and while it hasn’t been removed from the original plastic wrap it isn’t what I would call Factory Sealed. Anyway they have offered a partial refund, I currently cant access the message since eBay’s message servers aren’t working for me. Should I just keep it or accept the partial refund?

Dude…how could anybody answere that question without knowing what you paid and what the seller offered?

At the time I didn’t have all the information, now I do. I paid $130USD including shipping and he is offering me $20USD as a partial refund.

I’d pass or counter 40.00. Otherwise remind him he must pay return shipping etc.

Slightly broken seal? Was it not in the pictures? I feel sorry for the seller that he’s had to offer 20 dollars off to be honest!

I’m pretty particular about my sealed items, they have to be 100% sealed.
If the broken seal was not mentioned in the description or shown in the photos I personally would send it back for a full refund, but you may be different to me, so in the end it doesn’t matter what we think, only you can decide if you should accept the partial refund or send it back :blush:


The thing is it isn’t just slightly broken, if I really wanted to I could open up the box and take the decks out without further damaging the seal. I had a look back at the photos of the original listing and if you had a keen eye you could spot that something may have been wrong with the seal with the angle it was shot from. Besides that one photo the rest either hid the fact the seal was broken or that portion was no included in the photo. To be honest I probably should of had a more keen eye and I could have avoided having to open up the package and find what I did.

I think a more honest listing would have mentioned that the seal was broken and not hide the fact that it was. I can also see from the perspective that the original seal is still on there in a mostly nice fashion as being factory sealed. I’m not hiding the fact I was tilted by it all.

I think if I had more of a keen eye at the time of purchase I would have noticed something might have been wrong. In saying this I do have more knowledge with the actual item in my hands so maybe that is affecting my judgement now. In the listing and description no mention was made of a break in the seal however in the photos you could make out something being wrong in one of them. I do admit I play fault in not paying as close attention as I should have. I’m leaning on keeping it and just taking it as a L and a reminder to be more vigilant in the future.

Ah I see. I’m coming from the position of a seller here maybe. I recently listed a set of unlimited Chinese holos that went really cheaply. The buyer then opened a case against me and asked for a partial refund, based on the fact my photos didn’t show the damage on them. If you zoom in on the listing’s pics, the damage can be seen, but it isn’t spelled out in my description. I used the phrase ‘likely PSA 9 candidates’ and that was used against me. His scans were better than my photos, so the case nearly went FULL refund in his favour, without him even being required to return the item! (He eventually apologized to me for the profanity he used etc, and cancelled the case himself). Anyone who knows me here knows I’m not the type to deliberately mislead a buyer…but my listing may be perceived otherwise to someone who doesn’t know me (my mistake!). Whether your seller intentionally hid the undone seal can’t be proved. Give them benefit of the doubt here rather than feeling conned. Might feel better!

I’d take the partial refund, or send the item back for a full refund, giving the seller a chance to sell it again, along with your advice of taking clearer pics and mentioning it in their listing. If you’re polite and give him this advice rather than getting angry, surely it will be appreciated?

Lesson here for sellers - include VERY detailed pics, and be wary of using even the slightest exaggeration in your listing, as some buyers will use this against you.

Lesson here for buyers - if there aren’t enough pics covering all angles, ask for them. If seller refuses, walk away.

I actually said when I opened the case
“I think a more accurate listing would be to mention the broken seal.”
I don’t think I was rude about it but he got a bit defensive which is fair enough since from he’s perspective he didn’t mislead anyone. He replied with
“This still matches the photos I have. Are you claiming the item was opened?”
Reading back on it now it doesn’t seem as malice as when I first read it still being tilted by this situation. I never said the item was opened but he’s response has/had me second guessing the idea that it may have been tampered with.

maybe send some pics here so we can look please?


Ask and you shall receive

You’re entitled to a full refund. Why take the partial refund?

to keep the item?

That’s a pretty big rip for something described as new factory sealed. I’d get a full refund personally and buy a different one. $130 seems like a lot for this item btw. I thought these were selling for 60-70 or so recently. Was a lot of that shipping fees?

I would try and get more than $20 back if you’re dead set on keeping the item.

It was $99 but the shipping was about $36

Dang, the info keeps dribbling out. That changes everything.