Investment in booster boxes

In regards to booster boxes what would people say is the top few sets to collect? Also, out of an Eng Neo Genesis unl. box, crystal guardians box and Japanese Neo Genesis what would people say is best? (If looking at the Eng Gen 1200 USD, Crystal 1k, JP Gen 830)

In my opinion the booster box with the most potential at this given time in the market, as in most room to grow for the current price, is base set 2. Since its been a rocky growth with legendary collection taking most of the popularity, its a undervalued item IMO.

Not sure what you mean by “best”, but if I was to go after one of the 3 you listed, Id honestly go with JP Neo Gen or Crystal Guardians just because Neo Genesis has that 1st edition run that will be widely more sought out than the unlimited counterpart. The other two being just normal runs, are the top products for those respective releases. However others may think differently, just how I approach the sealed market.

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Depends what you are looking for out of a set. Personally I like in general how the old boxes stayed together sealed, nice and crisp, whereas new ones that come in the case come banged up. So anything pre DP really, but I think you’d already know that the most popular/desirable sets are the most expensive. But that shouldn’t determine which ones you go after, it should be based on your future expectation for them, and which sets you like/want imo.

By best I meant for investment, sorry. I think you’re probably correct in everything you’ve said, most would likely agree with you

It’ll be interesting to see what the future holds for some of the sets that are 1-3 years old in the coming years for both english and japanese. I have high hopes for the Japanese XY boxes.

Well anything pre DP is for me, most things after are eh imo. Of course it all comes down to what set I want but I suppose I’m wondering how Crystal Guardians will appreciate

For investment reasons, I don’t think you could put money into something better than just a booster box to hold onto. The way I look at it, I enjoy investing and I enjoy building my collection. I purchase one booster box of every set going forward, as well as recollecting almost all from previous years. My $90 investment in a new set may not grow into some large 300% growth within a year, but its retaining its value while also providing very high intrinsic value to myself as I have them in cases that I enjoy looking at every day. For investment reasons I don’t think you can go wrong with any box as its safeguarding your money you put in, while actually giving you some value to enjoy, in which that value is hard to realize when invested in lets say a security or a fund.

It does not have the 2 of the biggest gold stars on the market but is still a gold star set. Finding a box under the $1k range would be a solid investment in my opinion in the coming years.

Why do you say that? I understand it’s a decent set but wasn’t aware of any key contributors.

I own a sealed box of every set released from japanese XY that’s why :stuck_out_tongue:, some boxes are rising in price already, especially the subsets (CP4 for example)

I’ll take your word for it as I don’t have anything saying otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wouldn’t drop much more than $800 on a Crystal Guardians box just yet, but with that being said I think the time frame in which you will still be able to find one for that price is very limited.

My serious investment/collectors are looking for these boxes:

  1. Base set 2 (if you can find them in the 6-700 range)
  2. Japanese Undaunted (only Japanese showing investment interest…little interest in team rocket)
  3. Base set Foreign especially Chinese and Italian

Now keep in mind, these are solid investment items. Collecting is much more than that so unless you’re rich like Scott or Rusty;), lean towards boxes you have a personal connection to:)

I’ll keep all of that in mind. Do you really think that Japanese Undaunted is really the only box appreciating well?

Not rich like them (I don’t know who Rusty is) :sweat_smile:

The Charizard Authority (TCA Gaming)

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That’s what they’re looking for mostly from me yes. All sealed product has a chance:)