Booster box value

Which booster boxes do you guys think will increase the most in the near future? Interested in both new and older boxes. (Maybe also individual cards or packs?) Really just looking for information and discussion on future prices.

Oh, only interested in English boxes, sorry

Flashfire has already gone up in price in the past two-three months. I think it will go up even more in the following years, though it’s hard to say how much.

Flashfire, any early 1st edition WOTC. Roaring Skies. Most Ex era.

I’m guessing Roaring skies because of the Rayquaza’s?

Yeah, FlashFire is still on the rise. Jungle / Fossil / both Gym’s have all been slowly rising over the last couple of years. I’d say that would still be a given this year. With more people opening them etc.

Literally every box will appreciate in value. The way the hobby is now, a lot more boxes are being opened in general than 5 years ago. A booster box investment is pretty much the safest investment you can make in this hobby.


I agree with this post - while some will increase in value more than others, it’s just a matter of time until each box reaches a point that it’s “hard to find” in sealed condition. So many people purchase to open to try to grade cards or sell valuable singles I’d be surprised if it weren’t the case.

Neo series boxes have gone aggressively up in value for years, I’m not expecting that trend is changing anytime soon.

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Yeah I realise that all booster boxes will go up in value. More looking for which will increase in price, both for currently cheap and expensive boxes. I might want to invest in a box or two, but not sure which box and how much I want to spend.

To be honest if you are looking to invest, profit wise I would just look at stocks and shares rather than booster boxes, if you are set on boxes then any wotc box is the way to go.

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Yeah not looking to go into bigger stuff like stocks, just wanna keep it inside my hobby.

exactly, if you can buy things you enjoy and make money off them, with little to no risk, even better!

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All WOTC Boxes
Ex Dragon Frontiers
Call of Legends
Dark Explorers
Dragons Exalted
Plasma Storm

All of these Boxes will rise significantly in the future. Yes, I know Generations doesn’t come in booster boxes. But, pick it up when you can.

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I am mostly thinking due to the shaymin ex’s. So many of these boxes are being bought up and opened because shaymin is a $30+ card and likely going up now that it is out of print. A few playable trainers as well.

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Well when it comes to newer boxes Flashfire and Roaring Skies seem to be really solid picks. If you like Charizards + don’t care majority of other content is basically junk Flashfire is way to go, Roaring Skies has good variety of everything and it will surpass FF as long Shaymin EX doesn’t receive reprint.

Matter of taste in the end.


No love for EX Deoxys? :grin:

I forgot that set, lol. Alot of the other Ex Era Boxes tend to be going on a upward trend recently aswell. There must not be to many out there, I guess…

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To add another question to the conversation, any tips for buying booster boxes as a non-american resident? Looking for the place that has the cheapest booster boxes including international shipping. I’m having a hard time finding anything cheaper than 120$ for in print boxes atm.

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Where do u live?

Norway, Europe

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Stocks and shares are riskier though. A sealed box of cards is a physical asset! :blush: