Information about the 1999 Meowth "Gold border Fruit Roll" promo?

Hi all! One may or may not have won this auction (i am but a simple woman; if i see cat, i buy or pet)
Can anyone tell me a tiny bit more about my new rescue kitten? I cant find that much about this Meowth promo, only that it could be found in of these chemical 'murican candies lol. Is there any difference with the Jungle Meowth? Is this a valuable and/or rare breed? TIA!


This was a promo distributed in boxes of “Fruit by the Foot” in the United States — specifically a licensed version called “Pokémon Rolls”. They were not sealed or even mounted to my knowledge. Just in the box. You could get one of four Base Set cards (the three starters + Pikachu) or this special Meowth. This can be seen as a small-scale analog to the big Kraft Singles distribution in Australia that yielded the W-Stamp Dark Charmeleon.

This is one of the few non-numbered non-standard WotC promos. Mass-distributed but also under appreciated. The gold border looks great on this card and gives it a duotone “gold and silver” aesthetic.

Not a particularly valuable promo but it should be appreciated anyway.


Just to add to @stagecoach’s notes, here is the box that they came in.


Excellent photos. Thank you for posting.


Here are the source images :slight_smile:


Totally agree that this card is under appreciated and often overlooked.


oh i see! thanks for taking your time and posting these :D! So the only difference in the fruity rolly uppy kitty and the jungly meowth is if it was pulled from a sticky candywrapper or from a boosterpack :")? no extra stamp, no different colour? nada? (i hope my sentence makes …sense… no native speaker etc … but yeah let me know if it does not)

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aah clear!! Hhahaaha i KNEW you would reply, with your pfp and all.
Thanks for your explanation!
And yes! i love the golden border! Fancy kitty!

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Yes, you’re right. There is no extra stamp, but the border is a different color. To my knowledge, the card was not inside one of the candy roll wrappers, but it was put in the box. @stagecoach do you know if the card came sealed in a cellophane wrapper or if it was haphazardly put into the box?

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As far as I can tell, it was just loose in the box, not mounted, not sealed, just floating inside.


Yes i meant the box instead of the wrapper :)! Aah ok, so the border is the difference, good to know!

I recently got this card after putting it off for so many years. I was super into Pokemon back when it came out in the late 90s in the USA but I don’t remember this promotion at all.

I remember the lunchable and burger king cards though.

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