How to get an overview of all cards in Sun & Moon Team Up?

I’m trying to do a full set of all the cards in Team Up including promos and whatever other cards are related to that exact release and im getting slightly confused as to what it included :blush:

I’ve been going with bulbapedia Team Up but just realised that there seem to be cards that are not on that list as I saw a Pikachu & Zakrom promo (SM168) on eBay that I had no idea was a thing and now I’m wondering what else is related to Team Up?

Are there sort of general guidelines for what cards are made outside of the official set as found on the above link?

It’s also not clear to me what the difference is between Staff Promo and regular Promo cards; Are they the exact same card, just delivered differently (Some to the staff managing the event?) or can you see a physical difference on the cards so that I would want both in a collection?

Thank you in advance!

If you’re going with bulbapedia, make sure to look at both the Team Up bulbapedia page as well as the Black Star Promos page. These 2 pages should be comprehensive - you’ll have to line up the promos with the sets on your own, as they are promos for all of the Sun & Moon sets, but that isn’t too hard to do since the promos are ordered chronologically (SM1 = earliest release, for example).

There is a physical difference - staff promos have the word “staff” printed on the card (example). All other aspects of the cards are the same.

So I would need from SM158 to SM169 (both included) from the Black Star Promos list + the entire set and whatever is listed as additional cards on the actual set list - phew :blush:

Could/Would there also be cards for each of these sets related to ie. winning a tournament or would that include promos?

Thank you very much!

No problem! And that should be included in the promos if any new card prizes are given out (example: SM148)

Perfect - trying to hunt down those cards now to gather a full list.

Those promo cards seems to very extremely much in price. The Charizard promo seems to be listed from $20 - $300. Is that just someone trying their luck or am I missing something?

There’s a huge difference between the standard Charizard promo and the staff stamped version. Staff cards came in packs of four (one of each card) and were mailed to organizers - one pack per prerelease tournament. Anyone who buys a Team Up Build and Battle Box has the opportunity to get the standard Charizard promo.

Things like this makes me kind of hate my collection mania / OCD cause now I got to catch 'em all…

Just a note, promotional tournament cards could be released months after initial release of a set. We recently had new league promo’s featuring alternate art prints for SM2 Guardians Risings.

Isn’t that to keep the card Tournament Legal after rotation? Promos tend to be legal longer then the card in the set.

As DJGigaByte said. The promo’s I’m talking about are printed with the same number as the old card. They just have new unique art and therefore an Alternate Art stamp.

More info: