How many items are in your collection?

Rough estimates and pictures welcome! :blush:

Mine is fewer than 15 items. It took a few years of selling and buying to realize that keeping things small is best for me.


Quality over quantity my friend!


No! We do not say that here! BRING ON THE QUANTITY!!! MWAAHAHAHAHAHA!


@mrmilk, well now my feelings are hurt. Because well… it’s true. It’s all true!

@lugiaslair249, I really don’t have much! I’m just a damn wanna-be! I’ll take my penny binder and dream on!


Lol im the same way. art binders > PSA 10s


@lugiaslair249, is that so you can go to express checkout?

I’ve got a lot of random stuff but I’d say what I actually collect and put into my binder is ~25 cards but I have duplicate copies. I like each page of a binder to be all of the same card so usually try and get 9-18 copies of each card I like.




Y’all are able to keep track?!?!?


PSA stuff


Where is the Crystal Ho oh at though?

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Umm… a lot :sob:


not enough


Thousands lol

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Just starting :grin: Less than 5


I certainly have a lot of cards. Most aren’t worth much. That’s how it goes when you open tons of packs and keep everything! I don’t mind storing them because they don’t actually take up much space. Plenty of other hobbies take up way more space per dollar spent.

If you are talking about just the premium cards, the ones a person might keep track of on a spreadsheet, I have a couple thousand of those. Half of them are currently at PSA. I actually only have about 50 PSA graded cards currently in my possession, so that number will grow significantly when I finally get my submitted cards back.


You have over a thousand at PSA? Wow

Yes, all submitted through Ludkins!

It’s something like

350 Childhood cards (Base Set through Early EX. Mostly holos. A lot of e-series in there.)
150 Pack fresh Base Unlimited Non-Holos (from openings a few years ago)
125 Japanese CP6/Evolutions (Holos, EX)
500 English Evolutions (Holos, EX, Secret Rares, Reverse Holos)

A lot of the Evolutions cards I submitted are probably ones most people wouldn’t submit. Eventually I want to have a complete Evolutions master set all in PSA 9 or 10. Maybe one set of each. These submissions are going to bring me a good part of the way there, and I’ll sell a bunch of the extras. People buy PSA 9 reverse holos all day for $25 on up, so the math works out, unless something fundamentally changes in the next year.


@squirtle1000, just imagining the size of the packages when they come back.


@squirtle1000 Damn, nice. Must have cost a pretty penny :grin:

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My Pichu collection currently consists of:

  • 211 distinct Pichu cards (or cards featuring Pichu in their artwork), made up of…
    • 76 PSA 10 graded Japanese and English Pichu cards;
    • 20 PSA 9 or lower grade Japanese and English Pichu cards;
    • 30 ungraded Japanese and English Pichu cards in varying conditions;
    • 85 Pichu cards spanning the 10 other languages Pichu exists in;
  • 5 duplicate Pichu cards which are all incredibly rare (3 design contest and 2 unlimited E-series 1 cards);
  • 1 PSA 10 grade Pichu Pokémon coin;
  • 2 distinct booster packs featuring Pichu on their artwork;
  • 30 distinct non-TCG cards featuring Pichu on their artwork, made up of…
    • 4 PSA 10 grade cards;
    • 1 PSA 9 grade card;
    • 23 gum cards which PSA does not grade all in pretty much mint condition;
    • 2 board game pieces;
  • 12 distinct telephone cards;
  • 4 distinct pins featuring Pichu, made up of…
    • 1 limited edition framed set;
    • 2 sealed sets;
    • 1 sealed individual pin;
  • 1 sealed tournament badge;
  • 1 limited edition sealed keyring featuring Pichu;
  • 1 unopened Japanese Nintendo 64 game featuring Pichu on its artwork;
  • 25 distinct postcards featuring Pichu;
  • 1 signed polaroid photo of Japanese Pichu voice actress Shoko Nakagawa accompanied by a hand-drawn Pichu;
  • 2 shikishi art boards featuring Pichu;
  • 3 unofficial t-shirts, an unofficial hoodie and an unofficial Christmas-themed mug featuring Pichu.

Excluding a load of duplicates, I think that’s everything? :grin:
I think I probably have at least 500 duplicate Pichu cards from various sets.

I also collect other stuff, but that’s not as exciting as Pichu.

Pictures of almost all of that can be found on my Instagram page: