How do you like my Mirror Lapras?

Just was messing with my cards a bit. This looks amazing, pictures don’t do it justice, Lapras looks 3D flying in the air.

see photobucket for other pictures!

That’s just great! :grin:

May I ask how did you do that ?

I don’t quite follow, excuse my ignorance towards the subject.

Altering a card is frown upon.

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We call it wasbenzine in dutch, which is I guess Benzene. Wiped the background off. It looks amazing, but only with unnatural light.

Just trying to clear the paint of a holo card to paint over it and creat my own card :blush:

I’m not claiming it’s an error card or anything. Just for my own amusement, only a novelty at this point.

I was just altering a card and the effect was amazing, just wanted to share. See other pictures for a better idea of it.

Hopefully no one stumbles across these images and thinks…


Paint some wings on Lapras.

I showed you to be careful for fake errors in a way :blush:

That’s why in a lot of ways I think errors are overrated.

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The unfortunate reality of collecting english cards. However, the errors that are documented and have a story behind them are quality.


You are right, the ones with stories behind them have a lot more validity. Sometimes that is the problem though, the genuineness of it. I saw two people arguing on youtube about whether this Lt. Surge Fearow holo was an error card because the holo part was running off of the card. The other person said he took a cotton swab and did it himself (or something like this).

Poor Lapras… Collectibles and chemical agents do not work together

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A well, I was just trying to remove the ink to make my own holo cards. Sorry if this is blasphemy.