How do you keep track of collection progress?

I’m old fashioned, I have to admit that


i use pokedata to track prices of my collection. and spreadsheet for just inventory purposes

I ended up spending my Christmas working on this masterpiece;

Time well spent!




I use the PkVintage app to keep track of all my early sets and promos (currently they’ve listed everything up until HGSS both in English and Japanese, and are planning to add what’s missing in the upcoming months) and I’ve created my own spreadsheets (blatantly inspired by @Llyrwenne ’s ones) to keep track of my other collection goals.
Oh and the PSA Set Registry app for my slabs too!


Honestly I keep track of it all in my head.

I don’t forget the heaviest hitters or completed binder sets, but everything else is a nice surprise when I check up on it every couple years.


i am still new to the game and learning about the different variations, prints, misprints of the cards that I’m interested in. but because most of what I’m interested in is well documented, i already basically know what I’m looking for and what to expect. so i use Trello to create lists and cards that i can mark as complete as i find cards in shops. and since I’m mostly interested in 5 years of cards rather than 25 like some of you all, i have a pretty good idea of what I’m looking at when i see the cards and can just mark them as collected on my Trello app.

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Y’all convinced me to go down the spread sheet route. Starting to put together ones for each set I am working on. Will eventually create one for tracking desired promos as well.

Adding the hyperlinks to the bulbapedia card page works nicely too on Google Sheets, since you can hover over to see the card image/info.


It’s the same for me I use PkVintage on my Android phone, it’s a very good application and it also allows to discover cards that we forgot or that we may not know !

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I wish this app also had modern japanese promos. It would be perfect if it did. I really like the interface

Very cool app, it’s pretty well done (big help with the Trophy to me at least), but misses the poketour Pikachu. Still, I think I’ll use It From now on

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If you identify anything missing, you can reach them on Instagram to tell them. If you can provide a scan of the card (they’re not using generic images from the internet) they’ll probably add it when they’ll push the next update (every couple of months currently).

@pocketmonsterdan Indeed, but I’m confident they’ll catch up on the modern era soon as there are more infos available and cards are more available to get scans.

I’d be very Happy if I had a poketour Pikachu to Scan :smiling_face_with_tear: i didn’t see the IG profile at First, thanks

I’ve been using Pokellector, seems to work pretty well for me keeping track of sets.

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just got one today and it’s shipped great price to at psa8 for 300$


I save the images of cards Im after (using this website ) and then put them to albums on my phone. Once I get a card for that part of the collection I’ll delete it from the album (and separate buy list wants on cardmarket)

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I like making my own sheets to keep track of what cards I own, as well as the order in the set I obtained them in and when I got my hands on the card.

Nothing fancy or groundbreaking but lays out all the relevant information for me at a glance.