Holo bleed questions

Recently I’ve been trying to collect the Neo Revelation holo bleed variants and I just noticed that someone is selling a skyridge card with a holo bleed?

My question is.

Does all the WOTC era Pokémon sets contain possible holo bleed cards? I thought this was exclusive to just neo revelation ?

I’ve seen holo bleeds of just about all WOTC sets. It’s definitely not exclusive to neo revelation. I sold a Neo Discovery Hitmontop holo bleed a little while ago here on E4.

The neo revelation ‘holo bleed’ cards are not actually holo bleed most of the time. They have got more holo in the art which makes them look spectacular. But since they only have extra holo in the art, I would call them double holo. In other sets holo bleed also exists, which is the case if the holo spreads to outside the art box. It is not common, but also not very rare.

As you can see the holo is everywhere and it ‘bleeds’ on the card


Yeah I love the double holo!

The skyridge card has holo shining through the Pokémon itself, kinda weird, kinda cool.

Here’s sort of a hijack question: is holobleed on Japanese cards from this era a flaw or a feature?

It feels like every single Japanese holo I’ve ever owned has holo bleed in the borders. It’s just something I’ve long accepted as part of the aesthetic of Japanese cards.

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Do you have an example of what you’re talking about? A lot of Japanese cards do intentionally have holo borders

That is indeed what I am talking about - on the borders.

Coming from English where this was always unintended I wasn’t sure if the same was true for Japanese cards. But as I get more an more in to Japanese cards, the holo pattern showing through the borders just seems like a normal attribute of the cards.

I’d snap a pic of one of mine but I am in the office today.

On the wotc era set holos? I dont think that is normal, do you perhaps have a picture?

Not of my own cards, but let me see what I can find quick…

This looks like a pretty egregious example. This is actually worse than I was imagining: www.ebay.com/itm/164373433949

However this is more what I typically see, where all the large spheres from the holo pattern are visible throughout the card border.

Pretty much all my Japanese holos have this to some extent, which is why I wondered if it’s actually intentional.

Basically all of the set holos from this era have got those dots, but it would be rarer if the dots were actually holo. Which I dont think is the case.

As to if it is intentional, I would not know, but it does happen extremely often

So basically this card is real correct ?

Yes, a holo bleed can happen to any holographic card

So I collect vintage holo WOTC bleeds. It’s a thing. I’ll post some of my examples later. They are very hard to find in my experience, but I think if more people knew what to look for, it might be more common than people realize.


Depends on the Japanese card. Most were unintentional. Example of intentional is the Japanese Shining Gyarados. Gorgeous rainbow all over the card. Or the black star venusaur promo was common to have a bleed. I call them “blotches” for the pattern on Japanese cards, that don’t reflect light. But here is an example of an unintentional holo bleed for Japanese.

The card itself looks really strange. Does the holo bleed cause the texture/surface to seem different?

May look strange due to the lighting. It’s very hard to capture all the holo bleed on one photo. Much easier with a video.

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Ah I see. Very cool though!


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