High Rollers: Do you enjoy paying well for cards u like?

coops you dont know very much, so it’s okay to just sit and watch.

Not sure about stroke, but seems like some of these folks watched the '97 pokemon episode and went epileptic. Its worrisome as these are not children, and there is no strobing.

Rich people are usually better with their money and understand the value of a dollar. That’s how they got rich in the first place. They don’t get rich by overspending.

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This feels like an old E4 thread, there is a tear appearing in my eye, which I will have wiped off my face by a private nurse. And yes my tips to private nurses are always handsome at the very least (typically between 68-70%)


Rather rich people take chances, do what they want, buy what they want.

Everyone else is just a spectator. "oh man I saw that 200k trophy sale, very nice’

Oh shit, people might be starting to wake up.

Alright, all you poor people, hide as this thread was not for you. And it is completely rude to invade in another’s conversation.

I have never laughed this much on E4 before!


Rich people sleep? bruh, that is time you cant make money and buy trophy cases

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I know, right? Loser mentality right there, you can sleep when you’re dead. The frequency of your dollar intake must exceed your oxygen intake, ALWAYS!

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I’m glad some folks got a giggle ( i think) - but on the real- How are the Higherollers buying, do you overpay, or as this thread participants have mentioned, they LOVVVVE rollin’ that low low


It took me a while, but in the end I had a few giggles, nice thread thanks


kick my grandma in the ankle, punch my momma in the knee, sucka punch my step daddy in the chin - another thread going to hell.

Hm, may have missed the intended audience and their good input, not sure what to make of the substitution comments but, we are nearly above the previous HIGH ROLLERS: thread. So I commend you guys for participation Points… Before I part this lovely thread and miss how the ACTUAL highrollers buy items, My advice to the newcomers and some terrible veterans:

Do better. Pay more. You will be happier. Or not, up to you.

“A fool and his money are soon parted”


Nah I waited 2 months to get a pearl at 10% off market

Yesterday I went to subway and tipped 20%. I also payed 500 yen fee on a 10 yen card. Pls notice me dblast senpai


Some of these poke fans have no souls. How can I help you coop, are you beyond repair

yeah nah


this thread has been lockable since the first post but sometimes you can’t help but watch as a train derailment happens