Halo 2 Master Chief Collection

I am going to try and get online tonight! My steam username is the same as here: smpratte


I sent friend requests to everyone who commented in the thread. I’ll play tonight if we come up with a time.
Are we sharing steam username or miscrosoft gamertag? @tcgcaravan I couldn’t find you in steam so I’m assuming it’s your gamertag.
My steam name is abaz21.

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@smpratte, I added you as a friend on steam if you want to play sometime! I’m Valkyrie. I’m not familiar with halo 2 multiplayer but really like the halo 3 and reach multiplayer from back in the xbox 360 days.

Ahhh. Missed this thread. Good ole’ H3 days.
Had I think 9 or 10 level 50s.

BTB 50 was the hardest, as you had schedule a search against other teams since nobody searched 45+ high.

It sounds like Halo 3 is going to come out pretty soon and that multiplayer is going to be great, especially when they bring out Forge.