Halo 2 Master Chief Collection

Naw man, im rusty as hell, I am prepared to get wiped! I wasn’t that amazing back then. I used to stay up late and practice on Tekken and Killer Instinct…

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Same! I haven’t played competitively in like 10 years, and have to adjust to pc. So realistically I’m probably lvl 30ish.

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Can hook up your Xbox Controller to PC if you want, I have all 4 of my PS4 Controllers.

MLG playlist I think I was a 27. Its was my favorite playlist because there was no radar. Not to mention it provided a healthy balance of slayer and objective.

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I’m gonna play tonight if anyone wants to join. If we have enough, we can play a custom game.

They royally fucked up the xbox version with their latest update. Its just about unplayable now. Literally have no idea how they could of released it in this condition…


What did they do mess up? I’ve only noticed in H3 I/enemies don’t glow when shield damage is inflicted.

Oh man, I remember there being 1,000,000 players online in Halo 3.

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Dude, theres too much to list. Some crazy shit. Some of my favorites:

1: You kill an enemy it counts as a betrayal and you can get booted
2. Phantom vehicles. You’ll be driving vehicles in 3rd party perspective. You’ll see random vehicles that are blown up floating around the map also.
3. You shoot the ground and the bullets hit the nearest person(could be your teammate).
4. Gave crashes
5. Game freezes and it counts as you quitting so you get banned.
6. Teammates dont have icons above their heads so you’re running around shooting everyone you see.
7. Half the team lags out before game.

I can go on and on. It blows my mind they thought it would be ok to release this update.

steam tag: lilcoffeeworld or maybe just lilcoffee
never really played halo but down to have a good time

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Lone Wolves was by far the hardest 50 imo! So many AR-start game types. I had the same list of 50s as you and of course had the 5-star general after a healthy dose of Grifball exp boosting. I always had a dream of getting a 50 in Team Objective but so few people played that game mode and like Lone Wolves most of the game types were AR start silliness. Fun times!

When are people usually free? I’ll try and get on weekday evenings.


Anytime after 6pm MST, I’m not a pro but I’m usually in the top two-three kill leaders on my teams


Evenings are best for me as well. I’m in the US, EDT.

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Same here, evening works!

I’m currently playing. So much nostalgia. Halo 2 was the savior of my teenage years. I feel like 14 years old again.


I would love to play Halo with you guys!
Though Team Doubles was my playlist with my Partner- My Gamer tag is Mokkee
Sadlyy didn’t get into MLG, but huge props to those who got a 50 in MLG

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This is what us Xbox folks get to deal with

Does anyone play Warzone? I was doing good for awhile but most people have moved on to other games and I’m stuck at around 25 wins because randoms often don’t have mics.