Guinness World Record Pokemon Card Collection

This will be my last post about it, because you are being super weird, but very obviously the links you posted are from Guinness itself promoting their brands and services.

If you are so confident feel free to pay the application fee to challenge the record and then be denied for not being “significantly different from existing records” and failing to “demonstrate a completely new skill.” They get 50,000 applications a year so you should probably pay the $1,000 application fee to make sure your application is processed. But I’m sure you read the links you posted so you already know that, I’m sure.

I was and remain quite neutral on the institution and its publications. I explained how it works. I complimented the brothers. Your disproportionate response to a basic explanation is really not necessary. I beg you to chill out.


i commend you for trying to research the facts this time, but you paraphrased information from the NEW records category. not for BREAKING existing records

“Every newly approved record idea has to be significantly different from existing records and demonstrate a completely new skill.”

that is for NEW records with no current winner. you are confused its ok.

here’s the part you needed “Before applying for an existing record, check the current information and make sure you’ve got what it takes to break the record.”



So say I had these 867 pokemon cards what record could I go for? The most pokemon cards? The least pokemon cards?

lol I’ve never seen someone so aggressive on E4, and about the institution of Guinness no less


I think it’s all pretty harmless jest. I’m still waiting for who’s got the biggest collection of cards on here. Or someone with a very significant amount. I’m small fry really.

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Regardless of who is right in this situation, you need to relax. :pill:

This is not Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or the school playground. We can respectfully have discourse and disagreements.


What I want to know is how many people on this site or just in general have master sets of every set in english and japanese? That would certainly break this record by a wide margin, not counting a single promo card. Then maybe you have people with master sets of one language but sealed hoards of another, and promos.

Just for fun I checked how many english set cards there are without variants, reverses and such. Can’t remember the exact number, didn’t write it down unfortunately but I think it was 13400 something Base-SV. Off the top of my head I think japanese have more 1st edition cards and english have more reverses.


I would think that @TCAGaming could beat this record.

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Yeah, I wonder if someone could do it with one language. Maybe Persin? The man is thorough, just the E-Reader/EX code variants must amount to a few thousand cards extra.

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I don think I have that many unique cards :frowning_face:

I did apply for trying a record through them last year though. I wanted to open the most packs in 24 hours and live stream it, but they declined it saying there was no competition for it. It was probably a good thing as that would have been exhausting and probably cost way too much money…


There was 2 of them and there’s loads of us surely with our powers combined this fourum has the biggest collection :wink:

dude same, I was reading this thread during a work call and I could not keep a straight face xD

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It was world record breaking funny. We can’t be the only 2 surely.

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I’m at 14,531 unique TCG cards rn, so not even halfway there. :sweat_smile:

I do have over 10k duplicated bulk, though. Haven’t ever counted those, so not sure how many duplicated cards I have. :person_shrugging:



Great amount can this be beat on here?

Barring your collector friend from Belgium, you have a really great shot of having a Guinness World Record for the “Most complete Pokemon Card Pikachu collection” in the world. I know you stopped collecting all languages last year, but I still think its the most comprehensive / complete Pikachu collections in the world.


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I’m not sure why it’s so big deal, i’m quite sure by completing any modern english master set you’d be quite close to 32k cards :thinking:

Jokes aside, just counted my cards and if i count the bulk binders too (i’ve wanted to sleeve and store even my unique bulk that way) i think i’m very close to exactly 10000 unique cards which i think is quite exciting, not even close to compete with quuador though

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Hey Guys,

I Actually acquired a GWR myself Last year and can provide more information about how a GWR work :slight_smile:

The GWR offer 2 different method to optain a GWR:

  • Classic : 5$ to submit a GWR application.
  • Premium: 500$ to submit a GWR application.

The Classic Package :

  • Allow anybody to request an attempt for a GWR
  • The delay is long and can be up to 3 months before your attempt request is accepted.
  • Once the attempt request is accepted, the GWR send you the rules related to the Record and you have 3 to 6 months to send your attemps proof.
  • The GWR attemps must be filmed with the presence of at least 5 people including Professional that will count / time the record.
  • Then each participant must provide a complete review of the record and you must sent the attemps proof.
  • Then 3 to 6 months later you will receive a confirmation if you have beat the GWR.
  • Then 1 to 3 months later you will receive a certificat for free and be on their website :slight_smile:

The Premium Package :

  • Allow Proffesionnal that want to do publicity with their record to get it done quick
  • The delay for an attempt is 3 to 7 days.
  • A Reprensentant from the GWR can travel and be on site with you and will provide the GWR Live certificate Live ($$$)

I took the classic package and it took me almost 1.5 years to complete the process.
It is require to prove that you are currently the best in what you do and they do only a little bit of research to counterverify. They expect you to be at least a base reference for further attempts.

Presentation of the record I attempted :

Official Post from The GWR
Their Youtube Video

So if any of you think they can beat the Total Card Record you should definilitely do it as it is awesome life experience and to have one of those on your wall to remember the work that lead to this record is just an amazing feeling :slight_smile:

Have an awesome day,
Daniel Girard Bolduc


I’m not a million miles away from that. Every pre-Scarlet & Violet English master set contains just over 29,000 cards and I have 26,230 of them. I also have a crapload of random foreign cards too, so I’m probably close to 29k, wouldn’t be too hard to buy random language cards and surpass that really. That’s unique cards, I probably have over 50k including dupes.