Google Sheet of every release of every English Pokémon Card

@quuador, I have the non-Holo Eevee (Wizards Black Star Promo 11) and the Mewtwo (12), but I don’t know about Meowth, WB Mewtwo, glossy Mew, grey stamp Pikachu, etc. that you mentioned – is there a list of English cards that were released in Japan?

I included samples that seemed like they had an actual release, like the ones from E3 2001/2002, but didn’t include Protostoise, Matchprint becuase it seemed like they were only given to Wizards employees and didn’t actually have a release. The Manhole and Kirby cards from E3 didn’t have a Pokémon card back, right? I’ll include them if they do.

I have the Best of Game Jumbo cards listed, but are you saying that some of them exist with different borders? I’m having trouble finding info about those.

It looks like I have everything else added to the sheet, besides errors.

@azulryu I’m in the middle of adding the World Championship decks right now – I hope to get them done tomorrow or this weekend, as my next couple of weeks should be pretty busy.

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Pikachu I have myself (on the left). It was released in March 1999, in the April 1999 issue of the Japanese Bessatsu CoroCoro Comic.

As for the WB #3 Mewtwo, here the relevant thread.

The English Glossy Mew and French Glossy Pikachu were included in the Japanese Gotta Magazine. Here a picture of the unpeeled Mew:

And here a picture of a PSA-graded copy:

Here the Stamp Rally non-Holo Meowth and Eevee. These two cards, as well as the #12 Mewtwo, were given for the JR Stamp Rally in 2000. Meowth was given for completing the JR West course; Mewtwo for the JR East Silver course; and Eevee for the JS East Gold course.

As for a list of English cards released in Japan it’s kinda spread. Most of the ones I mentioned above can be found in the Unnumbered Promotional Cards page on Bulbapedia though if you Ctrl+F search for “[English]”:

One more that comes to mind and you might not have included yet is the Yellow Cheeks Shadowless Base Set Pikachu from the Pokémon Song Best Collection CD. It looks the same as the Yellow Cheeks Shadowless Base Set Pikachu released in the US, except that it’s slightly lighter in color, and more importantly: printed on Japanese card stock, which is slightly thinner.

That makes sense. And you’re right, the Manhole and Kirby didn’t had anything to do with Pokémon.

Below is Electabuzz as example. I think David Persin had a video where he showed all of them. I forgot how they were released unfortunately.

EDIT: Here is that video:


Ha, i’m glad my jumbos already are being examples for others :grin: i already mentioned on IG that i almost threw away the left electabuzz since i thought it was fake, seems like laziness and postponing lead into good things!

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Thanks for all of the help guys! I’ll be taking a look at the last few posts throughout the next week when I have a little bit of time.

I just finished adding all of the world championship decks from 2004-2019, so that step is complete! Looks like I have another card to buy that has a Porygon2 on it (HGSS Pokémon Reversal from the Megazone deck in 2011).

@quuador, I think I’m all caught up on everybody’s suggestions! I added the cards from David Persin’s video – that’s really interesting about the Jumbo card variations. I’d be really interested to know if the Rocket’s Mewtwo/Rocket’s Hitmonchan have that variation anywhere, and how any of those were released!

I’m going to look for errors and add any newer promo cards I can find. Hopefully in the next few weeks we get the Chilling Reign set list completely and I can add it! I’m hoping that my pre-ordered booster box comes by my birthday in July, fingers crossed!

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A little late to this party, but wow what an amazing sheet you’ve produced! I’ve cross referenced this against my master list tracking spreadsheet and found the following (you had some cards I didn’t so thanks for those):

Armaldo 16/17 POP Series 1 (non holo & holo) - There are actually two versions of this card, both holo and non holo (similar to 17/17 Tyranitar from this set, I believe it was a Spring Collectors Tin 2007 exclusive as with the others).

POP Series 6 Pikachu Pokemon Day promo - I know a lot of the Pokemon Day promos are non-English, but this one had an English print

POP Series 9 Pikachu Pokemon Day promo - Same as above

Blastoise EX Sheen Holos from XY - So these were a mistake on Bulbapedia that have since been removed - there is no difference between the Deck exclusive Blastoise and the standard Blastoise (not like the B&W sheen holos where the shine direction was either vertical or diagonal)

Charizard EX Sheen Holos from Flashire - Same as above

56/160 Manaphy (Non Holo) - Primal Clash - I don’t actually have any information on this one, other than the fact that I have a copy of it so I added it to my sheet, my guess is it’s missing from Bulbapedia.

38/162 Empoleon (Non Holo) - BREAKthrough - Same as above, from previous comments on here from DJGigabyte I believe there are a few other XY era cards that are not listed on Bulbapedia.

Double Crisis reverse holos - These aren’t listed

Battle Styles Prerelease promos:

SWSH088 Cherrim Grass Battle StylesPrerelease participation promo

SWSH089 Octillery Water Battle Styles Prerelease participation promo

SWSH090 Houndoom Darkness Battle Styles Prerelease participation promo

SWSH091 Bronzong Metal Battle Styles Prerelease participation promo

That’s pretty much it :blush: again great work on this, was great to validate my own collection tracker spreadsheet with this!!


I have been working on something like this for the last few years. Here are the links to the different sheets

Main Sets

Promos, Half Decks, Errors

World Championship Decks

Extras (Pins, Coins, Dice…etc)

Its a little out of date at the moment but i am back to updating it, feel free to use any information from it you want.

This is the Google sheets version of an excel doc which is provided on reddit by u/MasterEmerald, i was the original creator of the excel but never kept up with doing public releases.

@pokemon_matt, @jab2004, thanks so much for your help! I’ve made those additions.

Do we know if the Battle Styles pre-release promos SWSH088-SWSH091 have “Staff” stamped versions?

Excited to get started on adding Chilling Reign to this list soon!

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No problems! They stopped doing staff cards after Vivd Voltage (for now at least) so they don’t have staff versions :blush:.

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Great work on this sheet @tylerrmazer, what an undertaking. :blush:

I compared this with my stadium card checklist in the hopes that I may find something new and to have a chance to check over my list. To my surprise i did find a new one, so big thanks. I didn’t know about the 2004 theme deck copy of High Pressure System, do you know what theme deck it came from or where to find more info on this?

I don’t know if you want to include them as they don’t have English backs but the TMB Lucky Stadium and Exeggutor cards feature both the full English and Japanese Text on the card. You’ve included the Evolutions reprint of the Exeggutor (Which did have the English back) so may want to include the other 2 (or was it 3?) prints of that card/ the lucky stadium, depending on how you define English card :slightly_smiling_face:

The only other tiny thing is Wyndon Stadium is misspelled as Wydom

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@dizzylochs , thanks for taking a look! I fixed that misspelling.

The EX Dragon “High Pressure System” card without the e-Reader logo was in the Blaziken Competitive Sideboard Kit as part of EX Battle Stadium. I was able to find a few listings for the card on ebay which is how I found the serial code – should be 9UG-LG3-KJA for that version of that card.

I’m definitely interested in adding cards with Japanese backs as long as they have English text on the front – does anyone know specifically how many TMB cards were printed like this, with both languages on the front? I added the Tropical Mega Battle cards to the spreadsheet a few weeks ago, but I didn’t know about the bilingual ones. Those are probably still unaccounted for.


Amazing, thanks for the link. Very nice to be able to add an old stadium to the list for the first time in ages. I was happy to find one on ebay too as soon as I noticed it on your list, I bought one from overseas so hopefully can tick it off soon!

The Lucky Stadium and the Exeggutor (which were the only double language ones) were the 2 that were awarded/given to participants in the Tropical Mega Battle. There’s only one printing of the Lucky Stadium. By the looks of it, the Exeggutor was reprinted shortly after in Trainer’s Magazine Vol. 3. Then again more recently in the Japanese Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary and then in the English Evolutions set for 4 printings in total.

From Delta Species, Eevee #68 appears in 1 World deck and #69 appears in 2 World Decks.
Your list has those 2 cards reversed.

For pop series 3, the Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon are labeled as holo rare and Cosmos holo. They came as non holo rares from the pack, and then cosmos holos in blister packs.

@dizzylochs, @eeveeteam, thanks for the help! I made those revisions.

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You will need to do a revision on majority of your pop series cards as the rares should be non-holo in the packs, but most of them are listed as holo. Similar issue to the above poster but it’s not only pop series 3.

Wanted to check in as I’ve still been updating this sheet and it now includes Fusion Strike.

I have to ask, because I’ve included this on the sheet for a while now in anticipation that it would be released – is Special Delivery Charizard real? I haven’t seen anything about it in about three months. Do we know anything about if it’s been cancelled, or if it’s ever going to release?

Thanks for all of your help guys, I’ve really appreciated it.


It’s indeed real, but not officially released (yet?). Some sealed Delivery Charizard were leaked (or possibly stolen) and sold on eBay a few months back, but there were only about five or so. No word yet if and when it would be officially released.
But physical copies do exist, so it can stay on in your Excel. :blush:
