Fair price for a card I know nothing about

Hey beautiful people! I’ve recently been expanding my Mewtwo collection and stumbled across this card:


I think it looks great and I would love to add it to my collection. This however is my first time seeing such a card and Ebay is not working properly for me, so I can’t really research prices of sold similar cards. Any and all help is very appreciated.

Last one (PSA9) went for about 80$ on march 10

I use sortsof.com to get completed sales from eBay btway, night be handy for you :blush:

I got one for 65.00 from a member here. How much is the one you can buy?

I think he’s considering the one he listed, but it’s $300.

Thank you so much!

300.00, I suppose it’s quite overpriced then… Might just buy it anyway if I can’t find a cheaper option, I just love the style of it!

Oh okay. I didn’t click the link. Now I see. The seller is a friend, and member here, so maybe you can message him here. He’s totally trustworthy and a good guy. Cards from that set were notorious tough graders so 300.00 is probably closer to true value.

If a 9 sold at about $80, don’t pay more than that for an 8.

Be patient one will show up, or better still, look for a raw one. But paying nearly 400% over last known sale is not the thing to do.