eBay to buy Goldin Auctions, PSA to acquire eBay vault

Scott brought this up in Patreon but it seems to be leaking out to more mainstream outlets now: eBay is going to buy Goldin


Now, it’s obvious why eBay wants this (and Scott mentioned as well), because it sucks to list high end cards on eBay. The question is really why PSA wants to unload goldin so quickly? I guess it of course depends on the price, but it’s a bit unusual to sell such a high profile acquisition so soon. Will be interesting to see what happens.


Wonder if that happens how involved Ken will be with Goldin auctions?

I read somewhere that Ken got a good share of Collectors equity so I wonder if Nat and them will have to buy him out of that


PSA is owned by a holdings firm so it makes sense that they would offload an asset once it’s ready to be. Lots of acquisition companies do nothing but flip assets.


Collectors probably took all they wanted from Goldin already. (i.e. customer data)
And they are more than ready to capitalize on making their own vault.
It also takes away a conflict of interest that they were “Goldin prefered”.
Imho a grading company should not be so intertwined with an auctionhouse.


Ken speaking more on the agreement

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how will this impact my sealed :goldstar: :frog: ?


Did you guys know that Ludkins changed their name to Polaris?


I know there a couple other threads but adding this here as well


Acquisition: eBay acquires Goldin from Collectors, enters trading card commercial agreement | Seeking Alpha

PSA to ebay direct: eBay, Collectors Enter into Commercial Agreement, Sign Deals for Acquisition of Goldin by eBay and Acquisition of eBay vault by PSA


Now this is very interesting to me! I was never really tempted to vault and sell cards with Goldin because they seemed to have a smaller, more particular market. But eBay plus PSA feels like it has the potential to be a global superpower, haha.

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Yes! Finally some concrete information. Thanks a lot!

I got an email this morning and I thought I would share.

eBay, Collectors Enter into Commercial Agreement, Sign Deals for Acquisition of Goldin by eBay and Acquisition of eBay vault by PSA (psacard.com)


If PSA and ebay start doing some sort of auction block that could be a game changer. The traffic that ebay gets i’m sure is still leaps and bounds above PWCC


Anyone have a good TLDR of the changes announced today?

I’m also curious if ill be able to utilise the PSA Vault to eBay service if I’m not based in the US.

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Ebay vault and PSA vault merging some time in next few months. New features and fees unknown. Goldin going to ebay and their auctions MIGHT be on eBay? Unknown. You can take your graded cards directly to vault and eBay sales right after they are graded skipping all shipping


BP is definitely coming. Will it be immediately after saying no BP as we saw with a certain other company? Idk but that would be a pro move for sure

I’d actually anticipate fees to be lower if you choose to do PSA → ebay as incentive. E.g. lower final value fees for selling

Well they can’t be lower than they are/were. I also don’t use PSA. And I’m also not one of the people who sends in slabs to get graded and has them shipped back to an auction house.

The eBay vault was awesome.because it was essentially just eBay without fees. You could do whatever you want. If they kept it the same I could see them literally making consignment obsolete for low-mid tier cards

I haven’t used the vault, so i’m unfamiliar with the current fee structure. If it’s no fees I should check it out