eBay Garbage

I know this thread is generally geared toward dumb and dishonest sellers, but I’m gonna shake things up a bit.

We all know that most raw cards on eBay advertised as “near mint” are not actually near mint. That said, buyers need to stop expecting cards advertised as “near mint” to be PSA 9 candidates. By definition, a near mint card is a PSA 7. Near mint does not mean “no visible flaws whatsoever.” If you buy a near mint card on eBay and get a card that might swing an 8 or above, you got lucky! Should not be the expectation.


I completely agree. If I grade a card I buy as NM and it comes back an 8 I am actually really happy.


Totally agree as well^

No pay.

“My daughter bought this item, I have no intention of paying for this”

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Ask for his daughters credit card then

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Lol he said she was 2.

yeahhhhh Rightttttt chief

Bids on 5k+ worth of boosters and instantly asks to cancel after, Hopefully everyone blocks him.



Is this even allowed


Would bet 10$ to win 1$ that he will never get paid by winner of auction

What the fuck


Guarantee it’s a 6 or 7

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No, I believe it violates eBay’s “Chance Listings” policy. I’ve reported it as such, although I don’t really know if that makes a real difference aha

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I’ve seen a huge increase in these types of listings over the past month or two.
Always annoying when you see a card you want to buy with “READ DESCRIPTION” in the title.

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Ughhhhh…people are so clueless lol


Why do people put cards in top loaders upside down? He even calls it a top loader in the description and then… loads it from… the bottom

I actually ship cards in top loaders upside down. My rationale is that if the card slips out of the sleeve, it will stay in the toploader instead of sliding out of the toploader. I think the more annoying thing is why people take photos in toploaders (or sleeves at all) lol. It’s so fucking annoying. All it does is make it more difficult to see the condition of the card.

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So that if the card slides out of the toploader its still in the sleeve.

Open part of the sleeve to the bottom of the toploader, otherwise the card may slide out of both at the same time.

I agree it looks dumb which is why lots of people put the sleeve on upside down then into the toploader so it looks rightside up


“Near Mint”
visibly run over by a car

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So funny story.

Someone posts an ad for a random pack, from a great selection of cards. All “random” chance at a No rarity Zard etc.

So I’m like. Spicy. Maybe this guy will just sell me his Zard. I’ll pay market rate.

I message and I’m like hey would you sell the Zard?

He’s like
“No, I want to give someone a potential shot to get a great card, for basically free”
“If I still have it in a few months, I’m just going to send it to PSA”

I’m pretty sure he has sold some of those mystery packs lol


“IF I still have it”

You responded, “You mean, WHEN you still have it right?” to him… right?:grin:

Lol I really wanted to. I didn’t even respond after that. The tone was so off-putting to me. It irritated me that he essentially was saying, I have no intention of selling or giving this card away. Yet I’m selling 50$ chances to get the card randomly.

He kept talking about how much it was worth etc. the conversation went on a few messages, before he said that.

This stuff is just slimy.

I also want to mention. My initial thought was that if I bought that card. He would pull that ad, or change the wording.