E4 Secret Santa 2020 [PICTURE THREAD]

This is the official thread for all pictures of Secret Santa gifts received!
All official announcements will continue to be posted in the main thread, so keep an eye on that.


  1. This thread is for positivity only.
  2. Don’t post real names/addresses. Anything else from the gift is fair game.
  3. Unboxing videos, photos, descriptions, etc. are all appropriate ways to share. If you are unsure about your post, ask first!
  4. Seriously, don’t complain. It ruins things and hurts feelings and makes you look bad and stuff.
  5. If a user did not specifically include their name on the gift, try to respect their anonymity. Don’t harass anyone about whether or not they are your Secret Santa. They can come out on their own if they so desire.

Disparaging your gift in any way will not be tolerated. If you complain in this thread about your gift or say crap like “I wish I got that gift instead of mine,” I am auto-banning you for 30 days. This is a time to build others up and do something selfless.

Have fun :heart_eyes:




Awesome! Can’t wait for the pictures to start rolling in!

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Received my Santa Sack of goodies last week! I couldn’t see a name or username on the box or in the box… so if you sent this to me please let me know so I can thank you properly! :grin:

This was such a generous gift and I absolutely love the mewtwo plush and the muk Holo!

I put the nightmare before Christmas cards in my wife’s stocking and she will get a kick out of opening those since that’s one of her favorite movies :blush:

Thank you again for everything, and great job on the Rayquaza drawing!

(Note the Rayquaza box and CD case were opened and goodies were inside, if they came sealed I don’t think I would have been able to accept that value haha! But the box themselves and definitely the artwork inside the CD case are amazing :star_struck:)

Merry Christmas!


Glad you like it! This year was a cake walk from one Rayquaza fan to another haha, I think I might have put my name on the back of the drawing but I might also be dreaming that.


Shoot! Maybe! I didn’t look there haha.

But again, thank you so much for the gifts:) super generous and extremely appreciated! Merry Christmas


As is tradition, @pottsinator sends the first gift :blush:


It’s actually crazy, though, how he consistently gets his gift apx. 5 weeks before we start the event.


Maybe the key is to have your favourite pokemon in your username. lol


holy smokes, what an awesome set of gifts @smellyblueberry,


Amazing gifts and I love that “PSA 1 sunfaded” detail haha! :blush: Very nice way to start this thread


Well damn, the benchmark is set pretty already this year!


My Secret Santa was from Ash [Pikachu TCG] He got me a bunch of neat stuff. I got a Gengar toy (My fav Pokemon), he drew me a Gengar (+100 points), I got some packs to open up (got a GX), card protectors, assorted cards and some coins. Was really fun to open.

Thanks Ash!:heart_eyes: You killed it.


You are most welcome Banda, I am really glad you enjoyed the gift & happy it got there safely from the UK! (was my first time sending anything international) Congrats on the gx! :blush:


I received my awesome gift tonight, I just wanted to let my secret :santa: know. I will take proper pictures this weekend for you! Thank you for the awesome art, wait till you all see this :eyes:


Thank You to my Secret Santa :santa: @bigvenusaur can’t wait to open them on Christmas, the Cookies will not make it to Christmas. TBH the bag of Kruidnoten cookies won’t last the night.
Thanks Again
Happy Holidays E4 :christmas_tree: :gift:



I received the most amazing gifts from @pokenastic . Your drawing is amazing, I’m already thinking of ways to frame it. A++ for creativity. I’m also really looking forward to trying those cookies out. The ornament is fantastic. Opening packs is always a fun and nostalgic activity, especially when you already have Mew cards to spare. And, last but not last, I really appreciate that you went above and beyond to buy me another PSA 10 slab to add to my collection. I’ve already added it to my case.

Hope your gifts bring you as much joy as they brought me. Thank you so much!


That artwork is excellent! :blush:


Did you actually get each other?

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Nope, that was a derp moment. Thanks for the correction.