Hey everyone,
I have volunteered to help run the E4 Instagram account. It’s a great way to showcase cards from the community. I will be using this thread to make requests for pictures of various cards. It would be a cool way to share your collection and maybe gain more followers as well!
If you submit a card please leave your IG handle, or if you prefer a forum link to your personal collection thread! Looking for pictures of the cards to be taken laying flat against a solid black or white background.
Currently looking for anything you think would be cool! Just please follow the picture instructions and PM the card(s) you would like to be featured. Please DO NOT post it in this thread.
Is there a specific theme or look your’e going for on the IG page? Just wondering since you’re looking for a specific card.
I think it would be a cool idea to start a picture thread for members to post up photogenic IG worthy photos that can be reposted with the owners IG/Name tagged in the caption. The more active an Instagram page is the better, every photo doesnt have to be the rarest items int he hobby either.
Im curious but do you happen know the location demographics of users that follow and interact with the page? Just wondering where most traffic comes from. Besides my own IG I run several huge accounts and posting at certain time frames makes a huge difference in activity/stats. With all the members and collections here the E4 Instagram has huge potential to gain a lot of traction, which would further lead to more members, and awareness in general, for the group and the hobby.
Running an instagram to its full potential in all outlets is basically a full time job now days though, lol.
I agree. We should have an Instagram thread here in which members can contribute.
Obviously, you guys don’t want to advertise the flippers, but there are so many collectors with amazing collections on efour, it would be great if they could share them with the world.
This could also drive a lot more traffic to efour.
As of now I’m trying to do at least do themes for specific days. For instance the LC Jolteon was for New Years cause of all the fireworks of the reverse holo. As always Imopen to suggetions, like a collectors corner etc. Still working out all the ideas in my head.
I plan to do a collage of some of the E4 Secret Santa artwork. So if you were lucky enough to get some awesome artwork please upload to the official picture thread!