E-samples and English Vending

Just thought I’d make a thread on this (not sure if one previously exists), I’m kind of wondering the actual amount of these cards released. Its hard to find an exact answer but I was snooping on the archives of pokegym and found links to some pictures for your viewing pleasure at least :blush:

e-series sample
vs series English

I have also seen this e-series booster up on ebay with 5 sample cards and I wanted to know what exactly were in them

5 card sample pack

If anything it would be cool to get anyone’s thoughts on these cards and how they came to be.

Interesting do you know what the event was and where it was? I think I read somewhere that it was in New York, not too sure though.
So do you suspect the other half is lost in collections in the area where the event was held?

Oh wow! Definitely had no idea! And yeah I’d probably agree with you that most of them were trashed.

Recently it seem seems there were some graded sample cards up on eBay that sold for around 250+ each. Is imagine they don’t come up on eBay to often, but would you say that was under priced for them


Some more pictures, although without information, can be found here: Pokémon TCG Picture Dump.

As for what’s inside the pack you’ve linked: just usual Expedition Base Set cards (without Sample stamp) according to @poketrade , which he mentions in this thread of someone asking the same question: E-reader sample pack, whats inside?


I think @funmonkey54 can confirm this too, then you have more certainty.

sooo raaaaarrrrreeeeee