Discover The Truth!

Hey everyone!

My little sister showed me this today. It is a website that helps you figure out your true favorite pokemon.

If you haven’t done it, I recommend it. It’s very fun and made me rethink my life choices haha!

It does take a little bit of time, probably took me about 30 minutes. Basically, you just choose the pokemon you like the most out of a group, and it narrows down the choices throughout. It tiers them basically, then works backwards after your #1 favorite is selected. you can go as far as you want, if you wanna rank all eight hundred something Pokemon. Also, it is moveable after the fact. So I moved Gyarados down a little ways, no offense @azulryu and every other Gyarados fan.

If you feel like sharing, I just think it could be a bit of fun. Might also be helpful to know with the upcoming Christmas event on eFour.

Here is my list:

Before this, I thought Gengar, Gardevoir, Metagross, and Blastoise were my top 4, but seeing it now, I realize I was wrong about myself haha! They’re still on the list of course, but not as high as I thought. Also, several others popped up that I didn’t realize I had so much affection for. Butterfree is one of those. Also, the regi’s, my god were they tough to let go of at points during this. I love those living elemental things.


Luckily I had already done it before with gen 8 added back in April, so here is my top 25 from an earlier screenshot of halve a year ago:

For fun, here is the same test I did back in 2017 with the top 20 results:

And I’ve also done some other similar tests before when they were shared here on the forum, like favorite Pokémon per type (gen 8 not included):

And favorite dream team of 6:

I guess it just goes to show how long I’m already a member here, haha. :slightly_smiling_face:



But where is pika pikachu?


@quuador, didn’t realize how long these had been a thing! Goes to show how new I am here hahaha! I thought it was new, though I should’ve probably realized it wasn’t, it’s such a good idea.

I like your picks from 8th gen. I haven’t played it for various reasons, but I appreciate the two elephant pokemon. They look pretty sweet, I could get behind having them on my team.

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Not in my top 25, lol. :laughing: Probably around 30th place right now.

I primarily started collecting Pikachu back in 2015 because I thought it would keep me busy for a while. Well, considering the amount of Pikachu cards released in the past 5 years is more than the 19 years prior combined, that was an understatement. :slightly_smiling_face: But Pikachu never was in my top 10 favorite Pokémon, despite enjoy collecting it over the years.



Thanks for sharing! I found that really enjoyable and it also highlighted a few Pokemon I didn’t know I liked so much.


This took me a crazy long amount of time to do probably because i still don’t know myself what is my #1 Favourite and it’s hard to choose when it gets down to the few at the end :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s told me i like Fire and Electric Pokemon the most :grin:


@pikachutcg,@coelacanth, Right? It’s a great way to learn about yourself as a pokemon fan. There’s some awesome pokemon that I don’t normally consider when playing the games and being stat focused. I’m glad some of the new people alongside me hadn’t done it yet :grin:

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From today

From April



@pigeonsyndicate, you can be forgiven for at least having Gyarados on your list… for now. You’re on thin ice, though. I’m watching you. <__<

This is a great idea for the upcoming Secret Santa event though! It’s funny to see how my favorites have changed since last time I did this.

This is my current list (What do you mean, I like bug Pokemon???):

But this was my list for the top 12 back when we did this a little while back:

As meh Sword and Shield was, they had some great designs with their Pokemon. I remember poo-pooing the designs initially when they were leaked, but many of them have grown on me - the bug Pokemon designs, especially.


Here are my top results. I guess I like Mankey more than I thought I did. Also a sucker for small, cute Pokemon and purple ones.
Bulbasaur and Gyarados are the ones I always say are my 2 favorites.

External Media


All mons past Sceptile are tied for 4th place :blush:


I’d say pretty accurate


The internet has spoken:


Oh yeah I have done it many times, and each time I get a different list (except the top ones) so here I will do it again for the show


Most of my childhood experiences with Pokemon were from the tcg, as I never owned any of the games until later on. I remember my parents finding and buying a ~1000 card lot on craigslist for $20, which had lots of base/jungle/fossil and some neo, ex, and dp. The new packs at the time were black&white, so I’m used to the questionable gen 5 designs lol. I also remember finding some hgss packs a few times and loving the art and aesthetic. To me, and probably lots of others, this franchise is interesting and enticing because of the mystical quality of the mons, which is especially the case with the darker/mysterious designs and art. My perception of Pokemon mostly came from starting fascinated at tcg art and reading the descriptions and attacks of each card. None of the other video games or media i’ve played or seen have been able to recapture that magic for me. Anyways, I say all this to preface my choice of Pokemon here. This took me hours and I got stuck around the 150s trying to eliminate them all. I have fond memories with every mon on this list, mostly from card art, and am using that to pick my favorites. I’m definitely not trying to be objective and pick the mons with the best designs or usefulness in the games or whatever.

Also I love them all so much and just kept adding favorites but had to stop myself after the 7th row lol


Somehow Venonat also always appear on my lists, maybe it’s because of the vibrant colours of this sprite here, still I love bugs so no surprise either

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Here are my faves :blush:

There is a surprising lack of charizards in this thread :laughing:


Thanks everyone who has posted on here, I knew I’d enjoy seeing this, but didn’t realize exactly how much.

I find it very interesting how many 1st and 2nd evolutions are on the lists when compared to legendries and final evolutions. It’s nice to see the pokemon that normally don’t get love, get what they deserve for being awesome pokemon, regardless of the perceived appreciation of that pokemon.

@mthursty, I agree, there isn’t a lot of the zard line for the most part. There are a few people with the full line in the list though. I wanna see the squirtle lovers unite haha! Blastoise should’ve never fainted in Pokemon Origins from Charizard’s fire blast!

@fiery I like the shiny list, I might do another one strictly for shiny pokemon as well. I really love one’s like swellow, even though it’s not on my favorites list. I’d be interested to see who ranks highly there.