ccharizardd's collection!

Hey guys, First post on this site! Been on here for awhile just haven’t got around to posting anything. A few of you might recognize me from instagram? :blush: I wanted to make a collection thread but i thought just linking a flickr would be easier to view. Anyway the link is below, enjoy! :blush:


My current 3 favorite cards in my collection. I know they’re not that expensive but i just love the art!


There some amazing cards here absolutely love the gyarados gold star. Great collection going on there. And with the backgrounds behind he cards looks really good. (Wouldn’t have a clue how to do that)


Good photos.


Great collection! I especially enjoy the ‘firecracker’ misprint Torchic. Very hard to find those mint. Could be mistaken, but I think youre the only one to have one like that graded so high! Very cool.

I recently made a post on the 4th about mine, actually. They are very rare, and ive only personally seem two or so. I know theres more, but im pretty sure youre the only one that has a graded mint one. Im actually friends with the person you purchased it from. He had never seen one in that good of condition, but he has also barely seen any. I believe its the only GS with a consistent misprint, if im correct. The ink stain varies in position and slight shape/size, but i think the misprint is still rare enough that im one of the only people to coin an actual name for it haha. Or at least im pretty sure I am lol.

Yeah the other one I saw was a bit smaller and in a different position. Would you please be able to link me the thread? The person I bought it from had no clue about the misprint? Are you sure you’re talking about the right person?

Yes, his name is kingpokemonmaster. And I never saw a thread, it was just my post talking about my experience with it. Im not sure where any actual thread about this misprint would be

Another favorite of mine! very hard to find these in 9 let alone 10


Great cards so far, and I really like the backgrounds you’re added. Keep up the great work! :blush:



Backgrounds are next-level!

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Two of the most underrated and cheaper gold stars! i personally think these two have amazing art.

groudon/kyogre > rayquaza


Agreed, Kyogre is one gold star from the better end. Great pose and purple color fits perfectly for it. :blush:

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I’m jealous. Those things never come up graded on ebay.

is that all of them? They look great was thinking of picking couple up myself.

Yes this is all of them! They’re still quite undervalued, i can see these going for a decent amount in the future.

yeah that’s what I was thinking and they do look good especially the voltorb and ponyta. I’m going to keep my eye out for them maybe pick some up.

I am collecting them but in japanese, the sh cards are incredibly hard to grade 10s in both languages but look amazing imo.


I think it’s just me but im sort of sick of just seeing new cards and wotc. So here’s some nice looking random holos :stuck_out_tongue:


Pretty nice!! I thought you only get shinnies :grin: