Butterfree “d Edition” and Wartortle evolution misprints

Greetings folks,

I came across two error/misprints cards that I´m having some difficulty pricing. I only found some PSA graded prices and outdated ungraded cards info on the matter.

First is a 1st edition Butterfree (Jungle set) misprint, right on the first edition stamp. Known as “d Edition” error. The card is probably slightly played condition.

Second, an unlimited Wartortle (Base set) evolution error, featuring wartortle itself on the evolution box. The card is in fact in Portuguese langague and probably in slightly played condition as well.

Both cards are not graded, both are raw. I´m inserting some real images of the cards as well.


Thanks in advance!!

I’m not entirely sure, but don’t all Wartortles in Portuguese have that error?



I think you are right, that may be the case… Thanks for the reply.
I am still trying to figure out the appropriate price for the Butterfree, do you have any guess?


Yes, to my knowledge, the entire Portuguese print run had the error for wartortle. So, in the technical sense it’s not really an “error” but they do still bring a decent premium. From what I’ve seen I would price it around $15 depending on condition.

That being said there were many more on the market a few months ago and it seems ebay is dry. There’s one at auction right now. I would watch for it to end and judge your price from there.

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Actually it really is an error. In both sports and non sports card parlance it’s called an “uncorrected error”.

The Butterfree d error in played condition has no value:(



Thanks for replying folks, I appreciate the info!

Isn’t the d edition butterfree more common than a “normal” 1st edition butterfree? Atleast if you just search for 1st edition butterfrees there is a good change it will be a d edition without the seller even disclosing it.

not in my experience


I don’t think that’s the case. They are very common though. Does anyone have any numbers/estimations? I’d say at least 5% of butterfrees are the “d” edition. They’re extremely common.


The corrected butterfree is way more common than the error.


Thanks for clearing that up. I was not really sure about the d rarity, but stating something wrong on the internet has always been the best way to get a good answer when in doubt haha. I got a d edition butterfree in a lot of jungle cards some time ago, and knowing my general luck, I just assumed it was the norm.

Assuming the error was produced for the entire duration of printing 1st edition Jungle sets, I’d say 1/7 (so ~14.3%) is a “d” edition error of all English 1st edition Jungle Butterfrees, since there are seven Butterfrees on a Jungle Uncommon sheet and the error would be onone of those seven positions:

Image from @garyis2000 , which he posted here on my request (thanks again Gary :blush: ).



Thanks for the high quality information guys. And also for participating.


By the way, those uncut sheets are awesome! I think that they would look awesome framed.