As far as I’m aware cards like these are fake and are believed to have been produced and distributed in China. The more common fakes apply a holofoil effect to the entire card, which is an obvious tell-tale sign as the real holofoil cards do not apply the holofoil effect to the card’s border.
This is a real card:
Whereas this is a fake:
Here is another real card:
And here is a fake with a different holofoil style to the previous one:
Here’s an example of a slightly different style of real card:
And here is a fake one of those which PSA has also graded:
Here is an example of a real holofoil card from the first style (notice how it doesn’t cover the border or text):
…and here is a real holofoil version of the second design (notice how it doesn’t cover the text):
The fact that this particular auction is for a card which shows the reverse of the #9 card and the fact it says “Pocket Monster” on the front but “Pocket Monsters” on the back is a big red flag.