Best of XY leaks

I’m speechless.


Loving the artwork, very impressive.


Rotation may as well not exist anymore. Let’s just keep the same format forever.


Wonder how much N and Shaymin prices will dip once these release in English.

This is a Japan-focused set, they have a different format. We aren’t getting this set in English, the major FAs and such are being released as promos.

That N may be the best full art supporter ever though.

Trying not to squeal like a little girl at that Delinquent :heart_eyes:

So, where can I order 20?

I like it, keep posting updates! I’m sure more are going to be leaked.

Wow! the artwork looks fantastic!

Dibs on the Karen FA :3

Can we have a moment of silence for the fallen homies who never saw a EX FA :sob:

  • Suicune
  • Milotic
  • The Johto Starters
  • Salamence
  • Regice
  • Vaporeon

And all the countless others who never got their time in the lime light… You won’t be forgotten.

Now that that’s over with… HOT DAMN. Them new cards are nice AF :heart_eyes:


I always thought it was weird how they don’t complete groupings/families anymore, Suicune is popular from what I know, but never saw EX, Venusaur didn’t get the SR in BW block, then Leafoen doesn’t get FA, but Glaceon does, no SR cobalion in BW, and so many others in the past few years. My Binder cries itself to sleep, knowing well established trios are missing the last piece


All of these new cards look absolutely incredible! I may or may not have made happy noises when I saw a few of them, mainly that FA Shaymin. Anything containing a well-painted M Rayquaza is a winner in my book. Might have to get a box of this set just for a chance to pull one of the FAs!
I know some people find them busy, but I really enjoy the look and the artwork featured in the XY FAs. The SuMo FAs are OK, but I miss the variety of colors found on the XY cards. SuMo FAs remind me of early BW FAs, which I find “OK” in comparison to later FAs printed.

How are they gone release this in English… they can’t put out that many promoboxes… or can they?

That Aegislash is wicked!

Still no Suicune or Moltres…

That ShayQuaza though! :grin:

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I am more worried about the Charizard GX in the SM3 set…

Why worried?

Really wish that shaymin was of Rayquaza only! :slightly_frowning_face:… that Rayquaza art is fantastic, and it’s a shame it’s covered up by that little bastard. LOL


This set looks so nice! Shame about suicune never getting an FA, maybe they will give it a gx which isn’t a promo!


Unless there is a good counter, Zard GX will be only value in the set.