Anyone noticed how certain cards from base set can have yellow or orange borders? I’ve noticed it now with shadowless Machamp (See pics) which makes sense to me since they may have been produced in different batches for different purposes (i.e. decks/boosters) but I’m also pretty sure that in my years I’ve seen orange bordered Unlimited Blastoise & Mewtwo’s. The orange looks awful imo, the yellow being the ‘standard’. Anyone noticed this for any other base set holo’s?
Yes I am looking to trade my orange 10 for a yellow 10
Oh yeah good point. For some reason I felt like it’d be more plausible for the Machamp to be printed in multiple stages compared to the rest, rightly or wrongly.
Thin stamp with nice front centering, you know how picky I am. Thanks
I thought this was a shadowless vs unlimited thing, with shadowless having that pale yellow and unlimited having the orange borders kinda like jungle and fossil seem to have. I agree that yellow looks better.
I have to say that the scans don’t really do it justice, but if you look at the orange one in person when it’s next to a handful of standard yellow borders it sticks out like a sore thumb.
Color inconsistencies happened a lot in the earlier sets (Base, Jungle, Fossil, Base 2), and in XY Evolutions as well I might add…
If you just look at some of the Base Pikachus I have (old picture, got around 10 more unique ones now), you see a lot of color differences on first glance regarding yellow vs darker yellow (ignore the sun-bleached and albino bordered ones… ):
These small differences between yellow and darker yellow happen a lot. Even with the exact same cards… I used to have a few duplicated regular UED Base Pikachus, every single one had a slightly different color shade.
A truly orange border I’ve only seen once myself (which I unfortunately don’t own ):
But even today some cards have color inconsistency, proved by the Greenish Devolution Spray and these Pikachus in the XY Evolution set:
In Japanese cards you’ll most likely won’t/barely see these kind of differences because of their strict quality control, unlike other countries. Then again, I personally don’t mind, because if there were strict quality control for the English sets, we wouldn’t have all these amazing misprints that are available.
I feel the opposite. The orange tint gives the border a rich, saturated feel that the yellow can’t hope to achieve. Especially on fire cards where the contrast comes into its own. I have a ‘sunset-orange’ bordered Shadowless Charizard that’s just gorgeous.