
It varies. We can’t tell you anything with the (non) information provided.

Hi there,

I am going to take a guess that you’re one of the following based on this post + your post history:

  • You are completely brand new to pokemon card collecting. If so, welcome, it’s a fun hobby, however just know that this is a forum for, generally higher-end collectors. So questions like this will generally be laughed at. A good analogy is you going to a group of people who collect only the most expensive baseball cards (thousands of dollars a card sort of thing), and you asking them “what is a baseball?”. I am not joking haha. To answer your question, there is no correlation between price and “evolutions” or “basics”. Cards can dramatically vary in value depending on so many different values. Anywhere from less than 1 cent, up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per single card. There’s no real average per card. The founder of this site goes with the phrase “older, rarer, minter = better”. Generally older cards that are more popular in very good condition go for higher prices. Think like charizard from the original base set - cards like those. Cards that are less popular, newer, more common, not as good condition, etc. - those go for very little, some worth near nothing. So you really gotta do your research on what cards you’re thinking about. Just know that general “bulk”, meaning common and uncommon cards that have been printed in the past 2-3 years, that have no tournament play value, and aren’t really popular or rare or coveted, are generally worth nothing, maybe 1 cent each or less.

  • You are trolling, and if so, that is a good one haha.


What is this question? The average cost of a generic pokemon card is under 1ct.

I’m new to trading so thank you ever so much for your time here :pray:t2:

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