Australian Red Logo Fossil booster pack (Aerodactyl artwork)

Since these are barely for sale, can anyone give me some good price estimation of a single sealed Red Logo Fossil booster pack in the current market? Especially the sealed booster pack with Aerodactyl artwork. I’m not a sealed pack collector, and perhaps these are too expensive for me to pick up casually for my collection. But I always liked the look of the Red Logo packs on the Fossil packs/boxes, so who knows, if the price is right when I come across one I might go for it. :blush:

I do know that the Red Logo Jungle packs are about 55-75 USD, and Red Logo Fossil Decks around 125-150 USD from the select few I have seen.

Off-topic, but does anyone know how to see the prices of declined/accepted offers on eBay? In the past showed this, but now it doesn’t include the prices anymore… :sweat: I saw this and this sold listing of multiple packs, but I’m unable to see the accepted best offer…


$225-$250 is the consistent auction price on the US eBay. I saw a few below this range internationally several weeks ago.

I’ve sold some for $300 privately. I’m not always the bidder, although I will bid in the range described above.


I use for best offers @quuador,

Very useful tool. Some keywords make it loop infinitely so try to keep the search very minimal if possible.


I quickly searched in the pause at work, but only saw listings that were still active instead of sold ones. But because of that, I was able to find the Red Logo Fossil pack with Aerodactyl that I was looking for, so thanks! :wink: Will take a look later on when I have some more time to see how to view the best offer of sold eBay auctions.

Thanks! Was able to purchase one for 240 USD including shipping from Australia (to the other side of the world, since I live in The Netherlands), from our very own @acebren. :blush: Looking forward receiving it. I’m definitely not a sealed pack collector, but I absolutely love the look of the Red logo on the Fossil pack, and also really like Aerodactyl, so I’ve been wanting this one for a while now, and I was casually looking for it on eBay every now and then.
