2024 New Years Resolution

A new found excitement arrives when a
brand new year starts and everything resets.

What are things you hope to achieve in 2024?

  1. Continue to fly out to Pokémon regional events as time permits

  2. Buy more old back Japanese promos

  3. Have a more healthier year than this past year. Rough year with asthma.

  4. Continue to work on my Himeno binder

  5. Start a Komiya binder

  6. Focus on English alt arts. Japanese was very successful this year.

  7. Get back into art again after not having a full release since Dec 2019. I’ve scheduled a podcast recording in January. Keeping myself accountable.

  8. Propose and move in together with the squeeze

  9. Petition to Pokémon to make Eevee Villians, a spinoff of Eevee Heroes

  10. Go to my first Worlds

  11. Breathe


Well, I managed to get the $15K drum setup in the garage that I had hoped for in the 2023 resolutions thread. That’s a win.

So my 2024 resolution is to resolve the developing $15K floor issue that prevents me from practicing in the garage when it’s -16° C outside like it is now.


For a few years, I have decided not to do New Year’s resolutions, and instead make them “now” resolutions. This summer, I decided to stretch regularly again, almost every day, and I feel much younger and more able to move like I did as a pro-athlete. So, when a decision is made, and followed consistent and concerted effort, it WORKS.

What I’m working on moving forward is

  • to Resolve myself, that I AM a badass in most things I choose to pursue (imposter syndrome) :grin:
  • to Not set personal projects aside and instead decide up front whether I really should and want to do them
  • to Re-tune my hobby time/energy
  • to Get a better work/life balance - new job and schedule back to being able to exercise regularly

W/in the hobby, I want

  • to Re-focus on my collecting enjoyment, and worry less about projected value
  • to Aim at the bigger targets I’ve been putting off

Purchasing-wise, I’ll mostly look to just maintain my current pace of collecting. I’m pretty happy with my roughly first year of collecting and my progress, so no need to make any large adjustments here.

I mentioned in another thread that I’d like to participate in some trading this year to see how I like it, so I’ll need to figure out how I want to go about doing that (e.g. E4, Reddit, in-person, etc.).

I am at a bit of a crossroads at the moment regarding whether I want to continue with somewhat-boring, at-will contract work to help bolster my collecting budget (basically just trading time for money). This work has been the biggest contributor to my spending budget, but I’m starting to want to allocate that time to other things, so I’ll have to figure out where I stand regarding this in probably the next few months.

Outside of collecting, I really need to cut back on snacking and need to start working out more regularly (also need to schedule a physical this year). I’ve been a bit lax regarding healthier habits because taking care of the little one has been a bit of a handful, but I’d like to regain more control of this sphere.

Also hoping to keep up (or increase) participation on E4, of course!


I love this idea and attitude. I’m aiming to do something similar.

  • Take my training in Capoeira more seriously.
  • Start learning Portuguese.
  • Learn how to play a few instruments
  • Have a weekly regiment that I tweak as needed every 2 months.
  • Less time on screen devices, more time in active participation in things that bring me joy (hanging out with friends, exploring hobbies, etc.)
  • Make more art (I started this in the last few months).

As for collection goes:

  • Get some frames and modify the display - I’m not really looking to get much else and feel like I’m nearing the end of my collecting journey.
    Edit: Maybe go to a few card shows with folks. I do enjoy those and wish I went to some more local ones.

I’m going to try for some more concrete goals this year to make it a bit easier to follow.
Read one book each month
Finish my japanese text book
Learn some basic music theory that allows me to improvise better
Keep a steady gym schdule
So nothing crazy, just slight life improvements/things I’m excited to get going with!


My 2024 New Years Resolution


-Pass the **** test, I can’t disclose the test so I censored it, but passing it will improve my life tenfold

-Make a new close friend (IRL). Probably the toughest one to accomplish of my resolutions

-Lose weight (I lost 40 pounds this year, I want to lose 30 more by Summer 2024)

-Be kind, I’ve been an asshole some parts of the year and I’m trying to reform myself to be nicer to others.

TCG Goals

-Participate and make day 2 at a Pokémon Regionals (I want to top NAIC or Worlds, but making Day 2 at regionals is the next baby step)

-Qualify for Worlds (2nd or 3rd least likely on my list due to how busy my life has been getting, but I’ll grind when I can)

Collecting Resolutions:
-Get a PSA 8 1st Edition Base Charizard

-Get scream Mimikyu (not happening at current prices)

-Make slightly risky Pokémon plays to save up for the Charizard I want

-Collect more Diamond & Pearl holos in Nm condition

-Send @Fruit a signed card


I got a few things in mind for 2024, mostly building on 2023:


  • Try and exercise more often. I don’t have a weight issue, but I realized it really helps with my overall energy/mood levels by doing more this year. Sedentary lifestyle is killer :coffin:.

  • Try and free up some space. I realized that I have a lot of stuff I simply don’t need outside of my collectibles and some other things, I just want less physical items in my space.

  • Improve time management/be less lazy. I realized how much more I can get done this year by spending less time online in general. So many distractions and other things that can eat up your whole day fast. So I hope to make more time available this year where & when I can.


  • Try and finish off 1st Ed WOTC binder sets. I have just a few more holes in most of the sets to fill and a lot of them are nearing completion. Would rather collect them in these tougher economic times then wait for another boom and miss out again.
  • Want to focus on and learn more about the Japanese market. I bought quite a few Japanese cards this year, but there’s a lot more I’d like to collect, especially on the vintage side of things.
  • May look at some MTG and Yu-Gi-Oh cards again as many have collapsed in value the past while. Seems like a good chance to score deals.

Let’s see how this goes :wink:


I’ve written my collection goals quite thoroughly in another thread so i’ll write here about other things. I’ve started to make a book of rhymes for children and i want to get it properly going during next year. I already have a lot of ready poems and my sister’s artist husband will do the illustrations but i haven’t contacted any publishers yet so i should get that going. But i’m very excited of that project and want to get it done in a time frame where my kids can properly enjoy the book, my firstborn loves the ready poems and that’s already the best feedback i can get.

Other than that i want to get back to better shape. My long covid resulted in me gaining over 15kg extra (i couldn’t do anything physical for 1,5 years and everything i ate left a disgusting rotten taste in my mouth which i could kill only with chocolate or similar extremely sweet sugar stuff). After last summer i’ve already managed to lose almost 10kg but i want to get rid of the rest of it too and if i have any time also start going to gym again. I only have so much time for everything but i’m very determined to finally be able to do good things for my health


Some things I can think of about Pokemon hobby:

  1. Be more active with graded cards. 2023 will be the first year when I haven’t bought a single one for any collection.

  2. Once I find remaining wants inc. energy variants for complete english 151 sets it’s time to buy stamped promos, already arranged binders in such way that all 7 cards fit there perfectly with other promos.

  3. If/when another interesting modern set like 151 appears make one bigger purchase instead of multiple smaller ones, especially if that set is only filled with Johto Pokemon.


Great thread topic. Relative to Pokemon my goals are pretty simple: continue fleshing out my e-Series binder. Medium term goal is to have a full art set of Expedition, Aquapolis, and Skyridge. As in, single printing of every unique art across all 3 sets.

Within that, because of how expensive these sets are, my goal is to have at least 3/4 of the Expedition holos, 1/2 of the Aquapolis holos, and 1/4 of the Skyridge holos.

Non TCG goals? My wife and I are making some modest but meaningful dietary changes this year, including giving up all added sugar. I’ve also got the personal goal of 3 days of weight training in my basement per week, and we’re also trying to get back down to $0 credit card balances by next Fall.

Don’t ask me how to reconcile the conflicting goals of collecting e Series and reducing credit card debt :joy:


Ive been obsessed with goal planning the past few years, it works for me so here’s a few ill hit this year (not exhaustive).

  1. Run a 35 minute 5 mile
  2. Network+, A+, and PenTest+
  3. Save $20,000
  4. Get Selected (iykyk)
  5. Finish bachelor’s degree
  6. Amatuer Radio Lisence
  7. ???
  8. Complete ADV binder
  9. Any missing Dragon Frontiers ex PSA 10s
  10. Submit 200 cards to PSA

Really looking forward to the year, and ive already gotten a huge head start compared to last year. Super grateful and happy to be above ground


Lift heavy weights and try to get at least one gold star for my binder.


No resolution, but continuing to search for the rarest Charizards and errors.


I’d like to buy a binder or two and try and put a ton of cards I have laying around in tins into said binders.
i will also buy more ex era so others do not have to


My main resolution is actually to take a step back from collecting in 2024 so I can focus on myself and my future. Since stuff opened up again, I realized how much more fulfilled I felt hanging out with friends, attending events & meeting new people and traveling the world. My trip to Japan was one of the best life experiences I ever had and I already want to go back in 2024.

There are still many Pokemon cards I want to pick up - that much hasn’t changed. But instead of constantly chasing what I don’t have, I want to appreciate all I do have: my family, my friends, my job, my hobbies.



Learn Japanese my wife and i. Enjoy, eat nice dishes and have fun :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Had not planned to devise any New Year resolutions; however, reading through this great thread has kindled my pondering…

#1 Continue to grow as a father and human being.

-Take the time to appreciate my current Pokémon card collection, and, instead of continuing to vigorously make it rain (metaphorically) on hundreds of slabs like fiat is going out of style, perhaps submit some of my own childhood OG raw vintage cards for grading (I have never submitted cards for grading).

-Stay healthy and avoid injuries.

-Attenuate the ego, errr but then…
–Improve max bench-press and shoulder press.
–Run a sub-5 minute mile.

Kind regards, and happy New Year everyone!

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