2019 standard, means end of XY Boosters?

You are talking about the boosters in sealed product right? To my knowledge boosters for rotated sets still get put in sealed product even after something has been rotated

Pokemon doesnt announce rotation until a week before worlds so dont know where you’re getting that information. They suprised us last time by keeping Breakthrough when everyone thought it would be rotated out…

Not always (Its just they have been pretty slow about news in the past - IE League cups which are supposed to be allowed to start next week are still not sanctionable yet as of today)

Rotation news here:


For the future this should mean slightly increasing prices of expanded staples going forward as OP shows they aren’t rotating expanded. Tropical Beaches are currently $190-240 each - a future deck that shows up could bump them to 300-400 each

I’m sure they’ll shoehorn XY packs into new collection boxes until 2020 if we’re lucky. I’m sure everyone loves spending $40 and getting 3 SM era packs and 3 XY packs! Specifically Steam Siege, Fates Collide and Evolutions please!

Hang on, you think that S&M is better than XY?
